Editorial: City Science—Filling the Education Vacuum for Our Inner-City Populations
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The Journal of College Science Teaching’s editor shares thoughts regarding the need for an urban program sponsoring applied research related to the improvement of the lives of city residents.
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This project provies a unique opportunity for a partnership between two state colleges and two tribal Native American colleges. First, the authors developed a collection of interdisciplinary cases. Second they taught…
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This article describes the effectiveness of a Twin Talk Series in which a content expert discusses a pedagogical technique (Take-in) and then volunteers practice the technique (Try-out).
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In several previous Issues In-Depth columns, science topics deeply affected by population size—such as climate change, fuel and agricultural resources, and ecology—have been discussed. In this column, the authors…
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This column provides background science information for elementary teachers. This issue answers the question while discussing genetics and evolution.
Which Elephant Population Would You Protect?
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