The Importance of Professional Development
Journal Article |
Professional Learning Unit |
Have you wanted to implement a Project-Based Learning (PBL) unit in your classroom? Would you like to introduce PBL curriculum in your school? Multiple Literacies in Project-Based Learning (ML-PBL), an open educational…
Professional Learning Unit |
Have you wanted to implement a Project-Based Learning (PBL) unit in your classroom? Would you like to introduce PBL curriculum in your school? Multiple Literacies in Project-Based Learning (ML-PBL), an open educational…
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Learning Disabilities A learning disability (LD) is a neurological disorder that causes difficulty in organizing information received, remembering it, and expressing it, and therefore affects a person's basic functions such as reading, writing, comprehension, and reasoning. In simple terms, a…
The Three-Dimensions of Teaching and Learning
Professional Learning Course |
Build an understanding of the three dimensions of teaching and learning by exploring (1) the research behind the three dimensions; (2) the K-12 learning progressions in each of the three dimensions; and (3) how each…
Engaging Students in Science Learning: A Productive Approach to Classroom Management
Professional Learning Unit |
In this module, participants consider the relationship between fostering student engagement through tapping into their curiosity and positive behavior choices in the classroom. Participants explore two different ways of…
The Three Dimensions of Teaching and Learning: Module 1: Introduction to Disciplinary Core Ideas
Professional Learning Unit |
In this module you will use A Framework for K-12 Science Education as a resource for developing an understanding of Dimension 3 - Disciplinary Core Ideas. An immersion in a high-quality science lesson pulls disciplinary…
Editor's Corner: Learning to Like Professional Development
Journal Article |
Science teachers today face unprecedented opportunities for professional development. From genomics to planetary exploration, new scientific discoveries are announced almost daily, discoveries that are changing our…
Leading the Implementation of High Quality Instructional Materials to Enact Standards
Professional Learning Unit |
High-quality instructional materials (HQIM) designed for next generation science can make a difference in the quality of equitable science teaching and learning throughout the educational system and for all learners (i.…
Leveraging Assets to Build on Student Experiences, A Focus on Curiosity
Professional Learning Unit |
During this Professional Learning Unit, we discuss instructional strategies that take an asset approach to student learning. The discussion will focus on how the knowledge students bring to learning—including student…
Solving the Problem of Finding Authentic Problems Students Can Solve in the K-12 Classroom
Professional Learning Unit |
Is identifying and choosing relevant, authentic problems to put in front of your students holding you back from providing opportunities to engage your students in engineering design? In this Professional Learning Unit…
We have got a Problem to Solve! Now What?
Professional Learning Unit |
Science standards based on A Framework for K-12 Science Education require us to provide opportunities for students to learn “how science is utilized, in particular through the engineering design process, and they should…
Phenomenon-Based Professional Development
Journal Article |
Digital Collaborative Spaces for Sensemaking
Professional Learning Unit |
Whether you are teaching in the classroom, distance-learning environment, or a combination of the two, our goal remains the same – to provide ALL students opportunities and access to science learning. In this…