Professional Learning Unit |
After exploring what sensemaking truly means, educators will be introduced to the four attributes of sensemaking (phenomena, science and engineering practices, student ideas and grade-appropriate disciplinary core ideas…
Integrating Engineering Practices and Career Competencies into Science Classrooms
Professional Learning Unit |
A Framework for K-12 Education calls for the integration of engineering design into K-12 science classrooms. This PLU introduces the challenges and opportunities this shift raises. Participants will explore connections…
Addressing Laboratory Activity Safety Hazards/Risks: Hierarchy of Controls
Professional Learning Unit |
Science instructional sites (e.g. laboratory, classroom, field) can be unsafe, given the potential biological, chemical, and physical hazards and resulting health and safety risks. This module will help teachers learn a…
Analyzing and Interpreting Data to Support Student Sensemaking in a High School Evolution Unit
Professional Learning Unit |
This Professional Learning Unit uses a storyline unit with an anchoring phenomenon that is a case study in which the patient has acute mountain sickness at Everest base camp to focus participant learning on how the…
Using the Putting the Pieces Together Instructional Routine
Professional Learning Unit |
In this module, educators will be introduced to the four elements of the Putting the Pieces Together (PT2) Instructional Routine. In the Putting the Pieces Together Instructional Routine, students synthesize ideas they…
Evaluating Lessons for Sensemaking Using the NSTA Sensemaking Tool
Professional Learning Unit |
The NSTA Sensemaking Tool (adapted from the research-based NGSS Lesson Screener) is designed to help educators be critical consumers of curricular materials as well as create and/or revise science lessons to reflect the…
Supporting Ambitious Science Teaching
Professional Learning Unit |
In this Professional Learning Unit, we'll look at how Ambitious Science Teaching helps teachers focus on finding ways for all students to participate in science, making science compelling to a wider group of learners,…
Professional Learning Unit |
NSTA partnered with Amazon Future Engineer and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) on the Alexa for Astronauts program to create the Alexa for Astronauts: Using AI to Monitor Health NSTA Daily Do Playlist…
The Three Dimensions of Teaching and Learning: Capstone
Professional Learning Course Module |
The capstone experience provides the opportunity to analyze and reflect on the high-quality science lesson Do Materials Change if they are Crushed? This lesson was selected from The Garbage Unit, part of the fifth-grade…
How Do I Begin to Develop a Storyline for a Unit?
Professional Learning Unit |
In this introduction to Storylines, educators will be introduced to the Key Features in Curriculum Materials that Support the Framework and NGSS. They will then hear experts describe the key routines in a storyline unit…
Science Notebooks in Student-Centered Classrooms: Module 1: Using Science Notebooks for Sensemaking
Professional Learning Unit |
In this module, you will examine various ways scientists use science notebooks and a science notebook strategy to experience the critical components of sensemaking.
Professional Learning Unit |
NSTA partnered with Amazon Future Engineer and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) on the Alexa for Astronauts program to create the Alexa for Astronauts: Using AI to Monitor Health NSTA Daily Do Playlist…
The Three Dimensions of Teaching and Learning: Module 3: Crosscutting Concepts
Professional Learning Course Module |
Science Notebooks in Student Centered Classrooms
Professional Learning Course |
Science notebooks are a powerful and flexible tool to support students’ sensemaking. The science notebook creates a space for students to document their thinking, develop and revise models, plan investigations, and…
The Three Dimensions of Teaching and Learning: Module 4: Integrating the Three Dimensions
Professional Learning Course Module |