Web Seminar: NSTA Science Update: Professional Learning Opportunities at NSTA, August 27, 2019
Web Seminar |
Join us on Tuesday, August 27, from 7:00 – 8:00 pm Eastern time and learn about upcoming onsite/online professional learning opportunities available via NSTA. Whether you desire NSTA experts to partner with you in…
Designing Peer Review for Pedagogical Success: What Can We Learn From Professional Science?
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This article compares peer review in professional versus education settings, summarizing key aspects of scientific peer review and reflecting on how these relate to the process as experienced by students. Consideration…
Journal Article |
The field of environmental communication focuses on how multidisciplinary science, natural resource management, and environmental policy are communicated to different audiences. This activity uses the "jigsaw" approach…
Web Seminar |
Learn about professional learning for teachers’ enacting OpenSciEd middle school science curriculum. Although curriculum materials are essential for three-dimensional learning, they need to be a part of a larger…
Journal Article |
Developing science process skills and participating in inquiry-based activities help students gain the foundation for job skills outside of school. Overall, this workshop was highly successful, and in-service teachers…
Blog Post |
For a project I’m working on, I wanted to revisit what I know about cooperative learning. When I Googled the topic, among the many resources I found was one from a professional development series Concept to…
Faculty Learning Communities Facilitated the Rapid Pivot to Online Teaching and Learning
Journal Article |
Faculty learning communities (FLCs), established prepandemic to disseminate and discuss evidence-based teaching practices as part of an NSF-funded project, Investigating Student Success Using Evidence-Based Strategies-…
Learning to Teach with Science Representations
Journal Article |
Social Emotional Learning and STEM
Journal Article |