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  • Properties of objects and materials

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    Inquiry is not as dependent on equipment and technology as it is on the willingness of the teacher to model the process and to move from being a sage on the stage to be a guide on the side (or better yet – a partner in…

  • Problem solving and investigating the properties of materials

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    Does the way a child approaches finger-painting or eating a somewhat messy snack tell us anything about how she or he will approach building with blocks or participating in a science activity? There are problem-…

  • Playing with magnets and learning about the property of materials

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    Playing with magnets is a useful science activity in early childhood classrooms because it fosters conversation, exploration of materials, and learning to make predictions. Making a prediction means focusing on what you…

  • Ephemeral art exploring properties of matter, natural materials

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    I had fun this summer spending 4 days over 2 weeks “enriching” preschool teachers and children in their program by collaboratively exploring ephemeral art projects. Good discussion about when children’s making becomes…

  • COVID-19 Pandemic Safer Science/STEM Online and Face-to-Face Learning Environments Instruction Disclaimer Statement

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    COVID-19 Pandemic Safer Science/STEM Online and Face-to-Face Learning Environments Instruction Disclaimer Statement (Note: This disclaimer statement is recommended for instructors to include with their course outline and all online or at home science/STEM lab activities.) “The safety precautions/protocols outlined for…

  • Safety Resources for Elementary Schools

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    Safety Resources for Elementary Schools American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) Call the Poison Control Help line at 1-800-222-1222 or visit American Chemical Society (ACS) Safety in the Elementary (K–6) Classroom (PDF) Milli's Safety Tips for Children (PDF) Council of State…

  • Personal Protective Equipment

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    Personal Protective Equipment Personal protective equipment (PPE) includes safely designed and constructed garments or equipment, such as clothing, gloves, protective hearing devices, shoes, or goggles, designed to protect a person's body from injury or infection by minimizing exposure to workplace…

  • Safer Handling of Alcohol in the Laboratory

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    Safer Handling of Alcohol in the Laboratory The use of alcohol is quite common in biology and chemistry laboratories. Because of its flammability and toxicity, it is imperative that teachers understand how to use it safely, especially in light of the serious injuries that have occurred due to the…

  • Eye Protection and Safer Practices FAQ

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    Eye Protection and Safer Practices FAQ What is My Obligation? Science teachers are obligated to provide students with the safest and most appropriate eye protection for the task that they are being asked to perform. School boards as the employer are required to purchase and teachers as employees to…

  • Safety Resources for Middle/Secondary Schools

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    Safety Resources for Middle/Secondary Schools U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: The National Library of Medicine (NLM) Specialized Information Services (SIS) recently released a new Enviro-Health Links page, "Laboratory Safety," which offers links to information for clinical, academic, and school…

  • Behavioral Disorders

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    Behavioral Disorders Behavioral disorders also known as conduct disorders are one of the most common forms of disability among children and young adults and is the most frequently cited reason for referral to mental health services. The appearance of behavioral disorders is increasing dramatically in…

  • Online Supplementary Files 2003-2021

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    Online Supplementary Files 2003-2021 July/August 2021Teaching Through Trade Books—Pushing, Pulling, and Predicting Force PatternsK-23-5Engineering Encounters—Turn Up the Music!Turn Up The Music Supplemental Resources     Using Toys to Create a Global ConnectionUsing Toys…

  • NSTA's Privacy Policy

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    NSTA's Privacy Policy Revised 2023.04.06The National Science Teaching Association (NSTA) respects your privacy. We will make every reasonable effort to ensure that any personal information you provide to us is used only for the purposes stated below. While the policy presented here concentrates on information…

  • Online Connections (2010-2021)

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    Online Connections (2010-2021) July-August 2021Under the SeaStandardized rubric for analyzing healthy and impacted coralStudent worksheet for organizing evidenceUsing Big Data to Understand the History of Planet EarthConnecting to the Next Generation Science StandardsDelving Into the Database…

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