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  • Modifying Scientific Research Into Introductory Science Course Lessons Using a 5E Lesson Format

    Journal Article |

    Science faculty are being asked to create active learning experiences that engage students in core concepts and science practices. This article describes an approach to developing active learning lessons from authentic…

  • Research and Teaching: Graduate TA Teaching Behaviors Impact Student Achievement in a Research-Based Undergraduate Science Course

    Journal Article |

    A look at the influence of graduate teaching assistants' teaching behaviors on student achievement in a research-based undergraduate science course.

  • Action Research

    Journal Article |

    Defined as “any systemic inquiry conducted by teachers… for the purpose of gathering information about how their particular schools operate, how they teach, and how their students learn” (Mertler, 2009), action research…

  • Current Research

    Journal Article |

    To supplement your summer reading, NSTA’s affiliates would like to suggest some recent articles on education research, covering such topics as diversity, technology, and science teacher retention. Start with The…

  • Current Research

    Journal Article |

    Take your summer reading to the next level! Check out these recent publications suggested by NSTA’s affiliate committees. The articles cover a variety of topics that are relevant to elementary science teachers, such as…

  • Redesigning Research

    Journal Article |

    The authors developed an inquiry-based course that emphasizes integration of the sciences. Student teams pursue research projects of their own design using mathematics and physics to study biological phenomena. Faculty…

  • Practical Research: Sound Practices in Climate Change Education

    Journal Article |

    This column describes strategies for applying best research-based practices. This article provides three strategies for promoting effective climate change education.

  • Undergraduate Research Communities: A Powerful Approach to Research Training

    Journal Article |

    We applied the concept of learning communities, whereby students develop their ideas in cohort-based settings, to undergraduate research training. This creates powerful research communities where students practice…

  • Action Research for Teachers

    Journal Article |

    In this article, the authors draw on their experiences as science teacher-researches and present practical guidelines for science teachers who want to learn more about conducting teacher action research. They…

  • Practitioner Research Success!

    Journal Article |

    Practitioner research is an ongoing, reflective process in which inservice teachers (i.e., practitioners) ask questions about their day-to-day teaching practice, develop plans of action to investigate these questions,…

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