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  • Rock Finding

    Journal Article |

    Everybody Needs a Rock by Byrd Baylor (1974) is an inspiring book in which the author invites readers to go “rock finding” by laying out ten rules for finding a “perfect” rock. In this way, the book encourages children…

  • Rock On!

    Journal Article |

    Gravel can be an effective, inexpensive, and abundant resource that helps students think critically during several interdisciplinary science activities and investigations.

  • Rock Solid

    Journal Article |

    A teacher describes how developing a structured, focused, and fun curriculum on rocks and minerals for learning-disabled students transformed her initial reluctance about Earth science into enthusiasm. Students observed…

  • Rocks and Rhymes!

    Journal Article |

    Field-note poetry is the product of the authors’ efforts to combine current research in learning and cognition with integrated geoscience and language arts activities. In this article, they present a fun and effective…

  • Rock Showdown

    Journal Article |

    Service learning is a pedagogy that has the potential to connect young adolescents with their community in authentic situations where they can initiate projects that address real needs. The use of the “community” as a…

  • Teaching through Trade Books: Rocking Around the Rock Cycle

    Journal Article |

    “What type of rock is this?” is a common question spoken by all children at some point in their young lives. Many students have rocks of all shapes and sizes in their “collections.” In this column, young students will…

  • Ice Versus Rock

    Journal Article |

    Through a snow bank exploration activity students inquire about ice cave formations. Their icicle observations lead them to a discussion of stalactite formations. By incorporating the scientific process students were…

  • My Pet Rock

    Journal Article |

    Many teachers and students have experienced the classic pet rock experiment in conjunction with a geology unit. A teacher has students bring in a “pet” rock found outside of school, and the students run geologic tests…

  • Welcome to Rock Day

    Journal Article |

    Seeking to revitalize a unit on rocks, sand, and soil for first-graders, the authors created new hands-on lessons. These included testing the hardness of rocks, making models of the Earth, and sorting rocks. As a…

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