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  • Rocks

    Interactive E-book |

    Different rocks have different mineral compositions and different textures. Observing and documenting these differences provide insight into a rock’s larger geologic context and natural setting. Observations of rocks…

  • Is It a Rock? (Version 2)

    Lesson Plan |

    The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about an Earth material, rocks. The probe is designed to determine whether students can distinguish between humanmade, “rocklike” materials and…

  • Rock On!

    Blog Post |

    I am planning to teach a lesson on rocks with a third grade class in the fall, but I am unaware as of where to find inexpensive rock/mineral kits. How did you teach the lesson in a way that engaged the students? – A…

  • Identifying rocks

    Blog Post |

    I attended an event where we cleaned out the science warehouse for our school system. I got a lot of great stuff for my elementary science classes, including a box of rock and mineral samples that have little stickers…

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