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  • STEM Collection EDUA 546

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    A collection of articles, studies and labs that high light physics in the STEM fields.

  • STEM and Engineering Design Collection

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  • NSTA Stem Collection - 2 Sources

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  • After School STEM classes

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    A collection of ideas to use in my after-school STEM program.

  • Science and the Arts STEM to STEAM

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  • STEM, literacy and the young mind

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    What is the best way to introduce science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) through literacy lessons in kindergarten? —Y., New Mexico   To young children education is a single entity—they don’t…

  • English Learners in STEM Subjects

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    Conducting a review of the research literature on science education with English learners (ELs) would be a demanding task. Reimaging what is possible for ELs in science education would be an even more demanding task.…

  • Learning Wins in STEM Games

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    At the New York Botanical Gardens, students and parents play Biome Builder, a game from New York City–based learning games company Killer Snails. Photo courtesy of Killer Snails Jamie Easley, eighth-grade science…

  • America’s Strategy for STEM Education

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    On December 4, 2018 the Trump Administration released a five year strategic plan for STEM education that calls for expanding the nation’s capacity for STEM education and preparing workers for jobs in the these fields,…

  • Reimagining STEM for English Learners

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    Science, engineering, technology, and math (STEM) learning is for all students. STEM learning is essential in today’s classrooms because it arms our students with the knowledge and skills to process information, uncover…

  • Supporting Students With Disabilities in STEM

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    Jason, is this big enough?” My seventh-grade teacher asked me about the text on the whiteboard, in front of the entire class. Much to my horror, she continued to ask this repeatedly for what felt like the rest of the…

  • Building STEM Knowledge in a Breakerspace

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    Janet Sweat’s middle school students in Lake City, Florida, disassembled broken toys to create cars, some that would run with remote controls and others without them. Photo courtesy Janet Sweat. A breakerspace—a…

  • STEM Sims: Data Visualization

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    Introduction STEM Sims provides over 100 simulations of laboratory experiments and engineering design products for applications in STEM classrooms. One particular simulation found on this site, Data Visualization, is a…

  • STEM Sims: Explosion Shield

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    Stem Sims: Explosion Shield Introduction STEM Sims provides over 100 simulations of laboratory experiments and engineering design products for applications in the STEM classroom. Explosion Shield, one of the many…

  • ESSA, STEM Funding, and More

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    Every Student Succeeds Act Looking for funding sources for STEM activities, resources and professional learning this fall? Take a look at this powerpoint on the Every Student Succeeds Act, the new federal education law…

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