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  • Wind Energy, Grade 5: STEM Road Map for Elementary School

    NSTA Press Book |

    What if you could challenge your fifth graders to develop an economical, eco-friendly wind farm? With this volume in the STEM Road Map Curriculum Series, you can! Wind Energy outlines a journey that will steer…

  • Construction Materials, Grade 11: STEM Road Map for High School

    NSTA Press Book |

    What if you could challenge your 11th graders to gain an understanding of the feats of engineering required to build high-rise buildings—and maybe even improve them? With this volume in the STEM Road Map Curriculum…

  • Packaging Design, Grade 6: STEM Road Map for Middle School

    NSTA Press Book |

    Packaging Design outlines a journey that will steer your students toward authentic problem solving while grounding them in integrated STEM disciplines. As are the other volumes in the STEM Road Map Curriculum Series,…

  • Car Crashes, Grade 12: STEM Road Map for High School

    NSTA Press Book |

    What if you could challenge your 12th graders to understand car crashes in the context of physical forces, manufacturing challenges, government safety standards, and individual rights? With this volume in the STEM Road…

  • Rainwater Analysis, Grade 5: STEM Road Map for Elementary School

    NSTA Press Book |

    What if you could challenge your fifth graders to design rainwater recycling systems to provide water for a fictional community garden? With this volume in the STEM Road Map Curriculum Series, you can! …

  • Why STEM? Why Now? The Challenge for U.S. Education to Promote STEM Careers

    Book Chapter |

    The authors began this chapter with two central questions: (1) Will revitalizing STEM education, especially in America’s high schools, guarantee that graduates will choose STEM pathways in college or STEM careers when…

  • Presenting the STEM Research Project

    Book Chapter |

    An important part of conducting research for all STEM professionals is to communicate their study results. This is generally accomplished in two different ways. The first is to write a scientific paper, in order to have…

  • What Are the Challenges for STEM Education?

    Book Chapter |

    This chapter discusses contemporary challenges of STEM education. The chapter describes several challenges and presents a model introduced in earlier publications—the 4Ps of purpose, policy, programs, and practice—as a…

  • School—Business STEM Partnerships

    Book Chapter |

    A signature of the STEM awakening has become the school–business connection. What was once the sole domain of career-technical education, workplace applications of content, and on-the-job learning permeate the core…

  • The Professional Development of STEM Teachers

    Book Chapter |

    This chapter examines the challenges inherent in helping content area secondary teachers and generalist elementary teachers implement a STEM learning mission. Building capacity for STEM intricately involves transforming…

  • Looking Beyond the STEM Acronym

    Book Chapter |

    The local, national, and global challenges related to STEM disciplines give reasons to review the meaning and potential of K–12 STEM education. This chapter begins with a discussion of how the STEM acronym is used and…

  • Proposing Innovations for STEM Education

    Book Chapter |

    This chapter introduces a process that has the potential to move STEM education from simply being a collection of initiatives to a plan of action to make STEM a lasting component of American education. Initiating STEM…

  • Designing Innovative STEM Units

    Book Chapter |

    This chapter discusses an innovative strategy for the design, development, and implementation of STEM units. The strategy for state and local leaders is described, along with the critical connection between the…

  • Developing Innovative STEM Units

    Book Chapter |

    This chapter moves from discussing ideas about designing STEM units to focusing on their development. It begins with a discussion of an integrated approach to STEM instruction, which is one of the innovations of the…

  • Professional Development of STEM Units

    Book Chapter |

    This chapter addresses the connection of professional learning to the development and implementation of STEM units. The plan centers on teachers developing, field testing, and implementing the units, all with…

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