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  • STEM - Integrating Math, Engineering, and Technology

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  • Experience STEM by the Bay This Summer With NSTA

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    Guest blog post by Jeffrey LeGrand Douglass The exhibit hall at the 8th Annual STEM Forum & Expo, hosted by NSTA, is gonna be so LIT that even the rolling fog of San Francisco won’t be able to hide the…

  • Building STEM Ecosystems: Community Partnerships

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    When I was a classroom teacher, I relished opportunities to connect my high school biology students to real world science and applications of their textbook science. Now, in the informal sector, I find my role reversed…

  • Sharing Enthusiasm to Increase STEM Interest

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    Ricky Arnold. Photo credit: NASA By Ricky Arnold An unexpected thunderstorm during my ninth-grade Earth science class led me to an equally unexpected career in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (…

  • STEM Certificate: The View from AAPT

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    For the last several months, the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) has been a partner with NSTA and other professional organizations discussing the implications of a STEM certificate. There are many…

  • Creating a STEM Culture for Teaching and Learning

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    Creating a STEM Culture for Teaching and Learning by Jeff Weld offers insight for educators, policy makers, and business leaders about why STEM education matters and where it’s headed next. This new NSTA Press book…

  • Art and motion: moving toward STEM

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    Camp is not school. Like school, camp is play and camp is a learning environment, but the time together may not be long enough to build a community that effectively investigates together. In a half-day, five-day camp…

  • Partnering With Utilities for Hands-On STEM

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    Granada High School’s Interact Club students work with David Lunn of Friends of the Arroyo to measure water turbidity during the Tri-Valley Creeks to Bay Clean-up event. Photo by William Rasor. Utility companies, hoping…

  • Solar Panels Enhance STEM Learning

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    Columbia Water and Light presented a solar energy demonstration to students at Benton STEM Elementary School in Columbia, Missouri. Photo Courtesy of Heather McCullar Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM)…

  • Adding More STEM to the School Day

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    Middle school students dissect a frog as part of a hands-on lesson from Science from Scientists, an in-school enrichment program in Massachusetts and California. (Photo by Arturo Martinez) Schools seeking to enhance…

  • Will STEM Education Be the Child Left Behind?

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    Last week in the Senate, Senators Franken and Kirk circulated a Dear Colleague letter addressed to the ESEA conference leaders, asking them to include the Senate language they introduced (and was passed) in the Senate…

  • Meeting the Demand for Future STEM Teachers

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    Third graders in Hofstra University’s STEM Studio ponder how to display the data generated from their pre-exercise/post-exercise pulse rate experiment. Photo courtesy of HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY The University of…

  • Successful STEM Reform: Leadership Is Key

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    A recent Education Week blog post entitled “STEM Reforms in Needy Schools Eroded Quickly” painted a disappointing picture of STEM education reform. In this post, part 1 of a 2-part series* from the National Science…

  • Earth-Like Planets in the STEM Classroom

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    On our vacation this year to Rockport, Massachusetts, we spent an hour one night watching the Perseid meteor shower. This is my favorite meteor shower because I can lay outside and not get cold too fast. The night sky…

  • Cotton candy, roller coasters, and STEM

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    Have you ever taken your students to STEM education events at an amusement park? We’re working on a story about theme parks where students can learn while having fun, such as Ohio’s Kings Island, which holds Math and…

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