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  • Make Every Lesson a STEM Career Lesson

    Reports Article |

  • All The STEM Road Map Curriculum resources

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  • Teaming Up for STEM: SREB Administrators Session

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  • STEM Teacher Leader Cadre November Meeting

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  • Finding STEM Success in the Post-Secondary Classroom

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    The 8th Annual STEM Forum & Expo, hosted by NSTA, this July in San Francisco offers a post-secondary track to help educators create STEM-rich learning environments for students. STEM plays a vital role in…

  • Science Teachers and the Course Forward for STEM Education

    Blog Post |

    Science teachers’ voices do count—and are being heard—in Washington, D.C.  On December 4, the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) published Charting a Course for STEM Education, which presents a…

  • Ed News: Insights Into Early STEM Learning

    Blog Post |

    This week in education news, Project Lead The Way unveils a new end-of-course assessment that will test students soft skills as well as their knowledge of STEM subjects; despite a relatively steady rise in per-pupil…

  • Building Electric Cars Enhances STEM Learning

    Blog Post |

    Brownsville (Texas) Independent School District’s top three Middle School Division cars that competed in the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) HESTEC (Hispanic Engineering, Science, and Technology Week)…

  • Ed News: Highlighting the ‘E’ in STEM Education

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    This week in education news, Trump presents FY 2019 budget to Congress; new study finds student learning gains in schools where teacher mentor their colleagues; Aurora science teacher like collaborating with students;…

  • Ed News: Where Will STEM Education Be In 5 Years?

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    This week in education news, by 2018, it is projected that 2.4 million STEM jobs will go unfilled; money is not the most important thing to teachers; policymakers and educational organizations are increasingly…

  • Ed News: A New Normal in STEM Teaching?

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    This week in education news, top White House science adviser job still vacant; U.S. Department of Education awards $253 million in grants to expand charter schools; flipped learning still going strong 10 years later;…

  • Math is integral to early childhood STEM learning

    Blog Post |

    July has brought my happy place (where the worlds of early childhood education and science education overlap) to my mailbox in the form of the 2017 summer journals from the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)…

  • Let’s Help Every Student Succeed with STEM

    Blog Post |

    NSTA, in collaboration with 100kin10 and other key STEM leaders, has developed a new campaign designed to ensure that STEM and science/STEM teachers are a focus of the new federal education law at the state and local…

  • LEGO® Education WeDo STEM Expansion Pack

    Blog Post |

    The LEGO Education WeDo Construction Set was found to be an easy-to-use curriculum package designed for elementary school teachers. Although this kit is designed for students to build on previous Lego Education WeDo…

  • New year, new format for The STEM Classroom

    Blog Post |

    Welcome to my new blog! The old STEM Classroom e-newsletter has gotten a makeover and become part of the new monthly Science and the STEM Classroom. As part of the redesign, I’m getting a chance to hone my skill at…

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