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  • Winter 2023: Picture-Perfect STEM Train-the-Trainer

    Web Seminar Series |

    Would you like to learn to present the Picture-Perfect STEM Workshop to teachers in your school or district? If that's the case, please register to attend this two-hour Picture-Perfect STEM Train-the-Trainer virtual…

  • Ed News: How U.S. STEM Practices Compare Internationally

    Blog Post |

    This week in education news, new research finds that the level of level of teacher experience is positively associated with levels of student achievement, particularly for black and Latino students; City of Chicago…

  • Ed News: Teach STEM Using Laughter, Creative Techniques

    Blog Post |

    This week in education news, in several states, retired teachers and other state workers haven’t gotten a cost-of-living adjustment to their pension checks in years; Bill Nye’s new podcast—Science Rules—to launch May…

  • High School Teachers, The STEM Forum & Expo is for You

    Blog Post |

    Teachers at the high school level expose students to learning that is applicable for college and career readiness. At the STEM Forum & Expo, hosted by NSTA, attendees will experience this STEM pipeline firsthand.…

  • Contemporary Instructional Approaches to Promote STEM Learning for English Learners

    Blog Post |

    The release of the report English Learners in STEM Subjects: Transforming Classrooms, Schools, and Lives (shortened to “the report” hereafter) (NASEM 2018) is timely, as three emerging forces shape the changing…

  • CTE Bill Signed & Making STEM a Priority in FY2020

    Blog Post |

    President Trump Signs Career and Technical Education Bill Congress finally passed, and President Trump signed into law, a reauthorization of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act on Tuesday, July 31…

  • FY2019 Appropriations, Janus, and $ for Your District Science and STEM

    Blog Post |

    House Appropriations Committee Approves FY2019 Appropriations Bill After several delays the full House Appropriations Committee approved their Labor, Health and Human Services, Education (LHHS) FY2019 Appropriations…

  • Ed News: Got STEM Funding? Here’s How To Use It

    Blog Post |

    This week in education news, Pennsylvania needs to get serious about STEM education; personalized learning has broad appeal, but may be more revolutionary than people think; and to properly integrate coding and…

  • Ed News: Is STEM Getting ‘IT’ Right For Female Students?

    Blog Post |

    This week in education news, New Jersey governor announces new measures to help keep STEM college graduates in the state; more must be do in U.S. schools to increase the number of women represented in STEM careers;…

  • What is Engineering's Place in STEM Certification? ASEE Responds

    Blog Post |

    Engineering historically has had a very limited presence in K-12 education outside of specialized schools and a few out-of-school activities.  That changed dramatically with the release of the Next Generation…

  • President Trump Calls for $200 Million Boost for STEM Education

    Blog Post |

    Last week President Trump issued a presidential memorandum calling for a $200 million boost to STEM education and computer science in K–12 schools. The memorandum,  signed during an Oval Office ceremony attended by…

  • Secretary DeVos and Ivanka Trump Team Up for STEM Ed

    Blog Post |

    On Tuesday, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and Adviser to the President Ivanka Trump teamed up for a STEM-related reading event at the National Museum of American History and later worked on some STEM-focused projects…

  • STEM Summer Institute, a program in USD 383 Manhattan KS

    Blog Post |

    For the past seven years, my district has held an enrichment opportunity for students in grades fifth through ninth grade called STEM Summer Institute. This unique program has been funded by a Department of Defense…

  • Dear President-Elect Trump: Make STEM a National Imperative

    Blog Post |

    The presidential election last week surprised everyone, delighted some, and confounded quite a few. Wherever you landed on this spectrum post-election day, as teachers, there is one thing that we can all agree on: that…

  • Update on ESSA; Good News for STEM and FY2017 Appropriations

    Blog Post |

      July 14, 2016: Congress is set to adjourn for the summer and will return after Labor Day. Before leaving town though there was a flurry of activity around appropriations for FY2017 programs and career and…

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