Safety First: Preventing Allergic Reactions
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This column shares safety information for your classroom. This month’s issue discusses the importance of being aware of (and prepared for) the different types of allergy symptoms.
Safer Science: Acknowledging Safety in Physics
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This column provides best safety practices for the science classroom and laboratory. This month’s issue discusses using safety acknowledgment forms.
Scope on Safety: Pregnant and Safe in the Lab
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This column shares safety information for your classroom. This month’s issue discusses how to be safe in the lab while pregnant.
Safer Science: Accommodation and Laboratory Safety
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This column provides best safety practices for the science classroom and laboratory. This month’s issue addresses maintaining a safer classroom environment while accommodating special needs students.
Safer Science: Taking Responsibility for Safety
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In science classes and labs, it is the teacher’s professional responsibility to ensure student safety by seeking out safety information that is independent of what is found in the lab manual and making informed…
Scope on Safety: Signs of safer science
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Can you imagine trying to put out a fire and finding the fire extinguisher? Experiencing a short circuit and having to search for the master electrical shutoff? Having a hazardous chemical splash and not being able to…
Scope on Safety: Food for Thought, But Not for Eating
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This column shares safety information for your classroom. In this month’s issue the author suggests that teachers familiarize themselves with best practices before proceeding with any food-based lab.
Scope on Safety: Waste not, want not
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Planning chemical use and disposal is critical to a safe laboratory environment. It is irresponsible to simply go out and purchase laboratory chemicals without considering why they are needed and how they will be…
Scope on Safety: Science storage requirements
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Middle school science teachers need to address two issues concerning storage. First, if it is insufficient, they need to work with administrators to secure additional storage area(s). Second, whether sufficient or not,…
Safer Science: The School Safety Ranger
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This column provides best safety practices for the science classroom and laboratory. This month’s issue discusses the need to have a qualified employee provide technical guidance on implementing the Chemical Hygiene…
An Award-Winning Approach to Lead Safety
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A group of teachers use their Toyota Tapestry grant money to address the issue of lead poisoning in the community. Students learn about lead safety and how to test for lead on the school grounds and in their homes.