Case Studies Food Science & Technology
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Case Studies Food Science & Technology
Science Journaling with Technology
Journal Article |
Students in today’s classrooms spend a lot of time using technology by listening to music, texting, watching videos, and using social media applications. Some theorize that student attention spans have lessened to a…
Science, Technology, and Society
Book Chapter |
The advancement of science involves developing explanations for how and why things work and using technology to apply that knowledge to meet objectives, solve problems, or answer questions of societal interest. Because…
Educational Technology in the Science Classroom
Book Chapter |
Each year billions of dollars are invested in establishing an effective infrastructure for employing information technology in schools. Almost all classrooms have been wired for internet access, computers have been…
American Science and Technology: A Cultural Heritage
Book Chapter |
The relationship between STEM and American society represents a cultural heritage that has its origins in history and prominence in contemporary STEM-related issues. This chapter provides an overview of science and…
Examining Current Events in Science, Mathematics, and Technology
Book Chapter |
The national standards in science and mathematics call for these subjects to be taught from personal and social perspectives, thus strengthening students’ decision-making skills. Preeminent science educator Paul DeHart…
Historical and Societal Aspects of Nanoscale Science and Technology
Book Chapter |
The nanorevolution is here to stay. It is this small scale—where we have the ability to put molecules and atoms to new uses—that fuels the hope and hype surrounding nanotechnology. This chapter discuses the origins of…
Science, Technology, and the Learning Disabled: A Review of the Literature
Book Chapter |
The lack of research studies that examine the use of technology as a tool to support the learning of science among the learning disabled is an important limitation of research in science teaching. This chapter focuses…
Learning Science With Mobile Technologies
Journal Article |
The use of technology is increasing rapidly in our society, and classroom teachers must recognize the impact and importance of technology in the lives of their students. It is crucial that college faculty involved in…
Taking Science Home With Technology
Journal Article |
Scientists as Partners in K–12 Science: Engineering, Science, and Technology Careers
Book Chapter |
While scientific specialization has been responsible for many remarkable and rapid advances within scientific disciplines, this strength becomes a weakness when it comes time for members of various disciplines to…
Simulating a Wave to Understand Science and Technology
Journal Article |
Exploring the Role of Technology-Based Simulations in Science Assessment: The Calipers Project
Book Chapter |
In this chapter, the authors describe a project funded by the National Science Foundation, “Calipers: Using Stimulation to Assess Complex Science Learning.” This project is a two-year demonstration project that aims to…
Book Chapter |
Goal 3 of the National Science Education Standards (NSES) calls for students to “engage intelligently in public discourse and debate about matters of scientific and technological concern” (NRC 1996, p. 13). The unit…
Core Idea ETS2: Links Among Engineering, Technology, Science, and Society
Book Chapter |
This component of the disciplinary core idea (DCI) brings together two movements in science education—environmental education and science, technology and society. Learning about the Influence of engineering, technology…