Student Inquiry at the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Book Chapter |
This chapter features the Student Inquiry Program at the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA)—an internationally recognized, pioneering educational institution created by the State to develop talent and…
Inquiry: A Challenge for Changing the Teaching of Science in Connecticut
Book Chapter |
A catalyst for inquiry gaining its rightful place of importance in Connecticut public education was the State Board of Education’s 2004 adoption of the Core Science Curriculum Framework (CSDE 2004). The framework…
Developing a Relationship With Science Through Authentic Inquiry
Book Chapter |
In this chapter, the authors first describe the theoretical framework they have developed for understanding and developing their work as teachers. They start by articulating their own understanding of teaching and…
Reflections on Fostering Teacher Inquiries Into Science Learning and Teaching
Book Chapter |
Emily van Zee is an associate professor of science education at Oregon State University and co-organizer of Teacher Researcher Day at National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) national conferences. She has been a…
Magical Signs of Science: “Basic Indicators” for Student Inquiry
Book Chapter |
Advertisements capture consumers’ attention and motivate them to buy certain products. Similarly, teachers need to sell science to students by walking the talk of research-informed best practices. Magic signs with (dis)…
Unlocking Reading Comprehension with Key Science Inquiry Skills
Book Chapter |
As secondary science teachers, we must remember that scientific literacy cannot be attained without fundamental literacy--the ability to read and comprehend textual information and write competently about the subject…
Learning Science With Inquiry in the Clark County School District
Book Chapter |
In 2005, Project PASS—Proficiency And Success in Science—was funded as a Mathematics and Science Partnership by the Nevada Department of Education. This three-year collaborative project was initiated with the goals of…
Usable Assessments for Teaching Science Content and Inquiry Standards
Book Chapter |
This chapter reports on an approach to developing middle school science assessments using a learning-goals-driven design model. The design process for creating usable assessments that are aligned with curriculum and…
Picture-Perfect Science Lessons, Expanded 2nd Edition: Using Children's Books to Guide Inquiry, 3-6
NSTA Press Book |
How do you improve upon perfection? For years, new and experienced elementary school teachers alike have extolled the virtues of Picture-Perfect Science Lessons—the expertly combined appeal of children’s picture books…
Book Chapter |
The authors begin the chapter with an assessment of the current state of science teaching and learning in elementary schools. This is followed by an examination of our collaborative work with elementary teachers. The…
Science Career Ladder at the NY Hall of Science: Youth Facilitators as Agents of Inquiry
Book Chapter |
The New York Hall of Science is New York City’s hands-on science and technology center, with more than 400 interactive exhibits exploring physics, chemistry, and biology. The Hall also creates and presents…
On the Role and Impact of Formative Assessment on Science Inquiry Teaching and Learning
Book Chapter |
In this chapter, the authors begin by describing what they mean by formative assessment and outline the potential and challenges of trying to implement and study this promising technique for scientific inquiry teaching…
Teaching Science as Inquiry and Developing 21st-Century Skills
Book Chapter |
Contemporary national aspirations also include maintaining economic competitiveness. The economic theme is a relatively short-term goal, and for science education it implies preparation of a 21st-century workforce. For…
Science as Inquiry at Sir Winston Churchill Collegiate and Vocational Institute
Book Chapter |
As a department, the science teachers at Sir Winston Churchill Collegiate and Vocational Institute share a common commitment to the ideals of teaching of science as inquiry. As individuals, they also have the…