Students as Scientists: Guidelines for Teaching Science Through Disciplinary Inquiry
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Teaching Science as Inquiry (TSI) provides a foundation for engaging both teachers and students in disciplinary inquiry. This chapter describes a framework of teaching and learning developed to help overcome the…
Designing Lessons: Inquiry Approach to Science Using the SIOP Model
Book Chapter |
Using the Sheltered Instructional Operation Protocol (SIOP) Model, the authors in this chapter discuss science inquiry, the SIOP Model, and how to blend the two for good science instruction. They finish the chapter with…
Reworking the Recipe: Adding Inquiry and Reflection to College Science Labs
Journal Article |
Cookbook-style laboratories (labs), where students follow recipes and confirm known results are common, yet years of science teaching and learning research indicate they do not help college students develop the habits…
Comparing Undergraduate Nature of Science Views in Traditional Versus Inquiry-Taught Science Courses
Journal Article |
This qualitative study compares the views about nature of science (NOS) between students enrolled in a traditional lecture and laboratory course and students in an inquiry-based class to the view of the scientists who…
In Praise of Questions: Elevating the Role of Questions for Inquiry in Secondary School Science
Book Chapter |
If scientific inquiry is to be part of the focus in secondary school science, teachers must develop learning situations in which question posing is essential and they must help students learn how to pose scientifically…
Promoting Inquiry With Preservice Elementary Teachers Through a Science Content Course
Book Chapter |
Inquiry science teaching is effective at all levels, from elementary classes to higher education. It is important, therefore, that preservice education majors who will be teaching science understand the differences…
Coming to See the Invisible: Assessing Understanding in an Inquiry-Focused Science Classroom
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The work discussed here focused on the design of curricula that mirrored important aspects of realistic scientific practice, especially the ways in which causal models are used to account for patterns in data and the…
Book Chapter |
As in many other education jurisdictions, environmental education in Ontario is infused throughout the science curriculum. This infusion requires students to not only understand the science behind environmental issues,…
Journal Article |
Integrating authentic research practices into introductory laboratory courses to prepare tomorrow’s scientists has become increasingly prevalent over the past decade. However, an incomplete understanding of the nature…
"Re-Inventing" Science Instruction: Inquiry-Based Instruction in a Fifth/Sixth-Grade Classroom
Book Chapter |
The author's purpose in sharing her experiences in this monograph is to help other teachers who may be less confident in teaching science than they are teaching other subjects, to help them see the value in what the…
RIP-ing Away Barriers to Science Education: Inquiry Through the Research Investigation Process
Book Chapter |
This chapter presents the Research Investigation Process (RIP), an "inquiry" and "critical thinking" model of science education at two high schools—the Academy for the Advancement of Science and Technology (AAST) and…
Book Chapter |
Two settings build the premise for this chapter and comprise the Connecting Humans and Nature through Conservation Experiences (CHANCE) program. The first setting is a summer field course in Costa Rica and the second is…
Integrating the Five Practices and Model-Based Inquiry to Facilitate Meaningful Science Discourse
Journal Article |
Book Chapter |
“Adaptive inquiry” is the product of the synergistic relationship between what a student brings to the classroom, the teacher’s ability to shape a lesson in response to the needs of the student, and the method of final…