Science Sampler: Inquiry with earthworms
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Earthworms wiggle their way into your science curriculum in this fun and hands-on activity. Students experiment with earthworms to gain a better understanding of the process of scientific inquiry and hone their research…
Science 2.0: Invitation to Inquiry
Journal Article |
Too often, students are not engaged in authentic questioning. Dan Meyer, a math educator, explains, “Our curricula are full of pseudoproblems wrapped in pseudocontext. We ask students to grapple with problems that only…
Journal Article |
Since 2008, several digital cameras have offered high-speed movie settings that allow video to be captured at 120 to 1,000 frames per second. That means you can play back a 1-second, real-time event in slow motion that…
Let’s Fight for Inquiry Science!
Journal Article |
In today’s climate of standardized testing, the author shares his concern that colleagues who are currently implementing inquiry-based science that awakens students’ curiosity may soon be thwarted by mandated, time-…
Science Sampler: Inquiry into measuring
Journal Article |
It is important for students to understand that numbers in science often involve measurements and that measurements have limited precision. The following two activities demonstrate the limitations of measurement tools…
Science Sampler: First-class inquiry
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In this scientific inquiry-based activity, students explore how variables in a first-class lever, specifically arm length, position of the fulcrum, and placement of the load, affect the effort needed to lift the load.
From "Adding Inquiry" to "Doing Science"
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Students get outside and wonder about trees. This leads to many questions, and one particularly interesting one: "Why do leaves change color?" Student inquiry guides and empowers this investigation!
Envision: Inquiry-Based Environmental Science
Journal Article |
Team up with scientists and other teachers to develop inquiry-based research projects. This article describes the Envision program, which allows teachers to design and conduct their own environmental investigations.…
Inquiry in the Large-Enrollment Science Classroom
Journal Article |
The authors conduct research workshops twice each semester in their cell biology lecture course. Instead of solely analyzing data obtained by others, students form groups to design research questions and experimental…