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  • Creating Science Assessments That Support Inquiry

    Journal Article |

    This article discusses the resources available for teachers to apply higher-level thinking and cognitive complexity to their instruction and assessments.

  • Science Sampler: An inquiry into the phases of matter

    Journal Article |

    The “What’s the matter With XOD” activity addresses students’ misconceptions and refines their ideas about phases of matter. This activity introduces the characteristics for solids, liquids, and gases, and begins a…

  • Concrete Inquiry: An introduction to materials science

    Journal Article |

    Students walk to school on concrete sidewalks every day. Yet how many of them understand how concrete is made, how it can be strengthened, or the difference between cement and concrete? In this materials science unit,…

  • Multiple Modes of Inquiry in Earth Science

    Journal Article |

    To help teachers enrich their students’ understanding of inquiry in Earth science, this article describes six modes of inquiry used by practicing geoscientists (Earth scientists). Each mode of inquiry is illustrated by…

  • Epidemiology, Science as Inquiry, and Scientific Literacy

    Journal Article |

    Explore a Standards-based curriculum called Detectives in the Classroom that teaches the science of epidemiology for middle-level students.

  • Using Interactive Science Notebooks for Inquiry-Based Science

    Journal Article |

    Tired of finding students' work overflowing from the garbage can on the last day of school? Try using an Interactive Science Notebook approach to help students make connections to their learning. This approach…

  • Digging Into Inquiry-based Earth Science Research

    Journal Article |

    To help eighth-grade students experience the excitement of Earth science research, the authors developed an inquiry-based project in which students evaluated and cataloged their campus geology and soils. Following class…

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