Integrating Engineering Design in Undergraduate Biology Using a Life Science Design Task
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This study examines the initial integration of engineering design in an introductory preservice elementary biology content course using a life science design task focused on composting.
Crosscutting Test Prep Strategies
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Strategies for increasing student engagement
Journal Article |
Collaborative science projects you can join
Course-Based Research in the First Semester of College
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Undergraduate students are increasingly aware of complex global challenges and have a strong desire to take action and create change. Course-based undergraduate research experiences can offer a wide range of students…
Online Supplementary Files 2003-2021
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Online Supplementary Files 2003-2021 July/August 2021Teaching Through Trade Books—Pushing, Pulling, and Predicting Force PatternsK-23-5Engineering Encounters—Turn Up the Music!Turn Up The Music Supplemental Resources Using Toys to Create a Global ConnectionUsing Toys…
Position Statement |
Designing to Disrupt Traditional Conceptions of Scientific Competence
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Pervasive narratives about who and what counts as competent in science disproportionately impact students historically underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), and are perpetuated in the…
Position Statement |