How can we track the flow of energy when propellant is burned?
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How Can We Land a Payload Safely?
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How Does the Hot Air Balloon Take Off?
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How Does Air Affect the Motion of a NASCAR Race Car?
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How Can Race Car Bumpers Store Energy?
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How Do Insects Make Their Sound?
Blog Post |
How Does Being Close to the Ground Help a NASCAR Race Car?
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Why Do NASCAR Drivers Need to React Fast? (Part 1: Sight)
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The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit beginning ideas about forces. The probe is designed to reveal whether students generally identify forces as pushes and pulls.
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The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit children’s ideas about how light interacts with an object to form a shadow. The probe is designed to reveal children’s ideas about the size of a shadow in relation to…
How Do Pushes and Pulls Help Us Play?
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How Do NASCAR Race Car Tires Take the Heat? (Part 2: Thermal Energy)
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How Do NASCAR Race Car Tires Take the Heat? (Part 1: Physical Changes)
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