Shell Science Lab Regional Challenge Testimonials
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Shell Science Lab Regional Challenge Testimonials LaConner High School – Todd Hinderman On behalf of LaConner High School and myself, we are truly grateful for the grant award money through the Shell Lab Science Challenge Regional competition. This award has allowed me to upgrade and purchase some very necessary and…
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Engage Spring 21 proposals Each week of NSTA Engage: Spring21 will focus on a different grade band: Elementary Educators: April 12–17 Middle Level Educators: April 19–24 High School Educators: April 26–May 1 Postsecondary and Preservice: May 3–8 You can select all the grade level ranges…
Online Supplementary Files 2003-2021
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Online Supplementary Files 2003-2021 July/August 2021Teaching Through Trade Books—Pushing, Pulling, and Predicting Force PatternsK-23-5Engineering Encounters—Turn Up the Music!Turn Up The Music Supplemental Resources Using Toys to Create a Global ConnectionUsing Toys…
Online Supplementary Files 2007-2020
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Online Supplementary Files 2007-2020 November/December 2020The Aurora BorealisStudent WorksheetSolar wind velocity data and answer keySolar storm answer keyConnecting to the Next Generation Science StandardsThe Lives of Staph (Idea Bank)Appendix AAppendix BAppendix CAppendix DAppendix EAppendix…
Call for Papers: Science and Children
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Call for Papers: Science and Children Your 2000-word manuscript should describe a set of connected lessons or investigations that build an idea or content area. They should include assessments (pre-, post- and formative) as well as enough detail that another teacher could replicate the lessons in the…
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Learning the Temperature Dependency of Matter by Making Ice Cream
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Technology and Scientific Habits of Mind
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Exemplar Teaching Practices in STEM Courses in U.S. Universities
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Based on the largest multi-institutional observational study of undergraduate courses in the United States, this article describes exemplar teaching practices in engineering courses as an interdisciplinary science field…
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Adapting Existing Curriculum for Equitable Learning Experiences
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