How Are Cancer Cells Different From Normal Cells?
Lesson Plan |
Designing Equitable Engagement in Sensemaking
Blog Post |
Lesson Plan |
How Do Asteroids Cross Earth's Path?
Lesson Plan |
How Does Temperature Affect the Rate at Which People Become Infected With Mosquito-Borne Diseases?
Lesson Plan |
Professional Learning Course Module |
In this module, you will use notebook strategies through an intentionally designed learning sequence to make sense of an observable phenomenon: time zones. You will use this experience to build your…
Science Notebooks in Student-Centered Classrooms: Module 2: Launching Notebooks with Students
Professional Learning Course Module |
In this module, you will use a notebook organization continuum to examine a variety of ways to organize science notebooks. You will analyze teacher-directed and student-directed approaches to notebook entries and use a…
Science Notebooks in Student-Centered Classrooms: Module 4: Assessing Student Notebooks
Professional Learning Course Module |
In this module, you will experience ways to use science notebooks for formative assessment. You will gain a deeper understanding of the disadvantages of grading notebook entries. You will have an opportunity to apply…