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  • Preparing Teachers for Three-Dimensional Instruction

    NSTA Press Book |

    It’s not enough for teachers to read through the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and correlate their content to the established curriculum. Teachers must prepare to make the vision of the NGSS come alive in…

  • NSTA Standards for Science Teacher Preparation

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    NSTA Standards for Science Teacher Preparation The NSTA/ASTE 2020 Science Standards for Teacher Preparation are now effective. These standards are intended to be used by science teacher preparation programs in preparing for accreditation or program design. These standards can also serve as a guide for state agencies…

  • Preparing Teachers for Three-Dimensional Instruction (Book Sample)

    Book Chapter |

    It’s not enough for teachers to read through the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and correlate their content to the established curriculum. Teachers must prepare to make the vision of the NGSS come alive in…

  • Preparing Teachers to Successfully Implement the Three Dimensions of the NGSS

    Book Chapter |

    This chapter, by David T. Crowther and Susan Gomez Zwiep, briefly outlines the challenges faced by leaders seeking to design and execute professional development that enables science educators to successfully implement…

  • Washington State’s Science Assessment System: One District’s Approach To Preparing Teachers And Students

    Book Chapter |

    This chapter describes how elementary science staff in the Seattle Public Schools extended the district’s infrastructure and support system to help teachers prepare their students for the state assessment tests (…

  • Leading Through Collaboration: Historically Black Colleges and Universities Preparing Future Teacher Leaders in Science Education

    Book Chapter |

    This chapter addresses how to create a community of minority science teacher leaders who are not only committed to teaching in urban schools, but also to helping close the achievement gap, especially in the area of…

  • Preparing Preservice Teachers

    Journal Article |

    One way to improve teacher retention is to adequately prepare preservice teachers while they are enrolled in professional teacher education programs at colleges and universities. In a model developed at Towson…

  • Curriculum Integration: Preparing Prospective Teachers

    Journal Article |

    This article describes a science methods course that prepares preservice teachers to integrate a curriculum around thematic units. The project enables students to pull together standards, specific content, teaching…

  • The Prepared Practitioner: Supporting New Teachers

    Journal Article |

    New school years bring new challenges, students, lessons, and colleagues. Some teachers at your school may be just starting out with their first teaching job. Looking ahead to a new school year is a great time for all…

  • For Teachers and Administrators

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    For Teachers and Administrators Understanding Next Generation Science Standards The Next Generation Science Standards emphasize the use of science and engineering practices to teach critical science content and introduce the concept of three-dimensional learning. Start with some basics about…

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