I Lost the Answer Key! Authentic science flourishes when a teacher loses the prepared answer key
Journal Article |
A popular exploratory activity is “Mystery Powders,” a chemistry investigation during which students identify the composition of white, powdery mixtures. In this article, the teacher loses the key to the mystery powders…
Journal Article |
The study in this article examines the effectiveness of a curriculum on preservice teachers’ attitudes and knowledge of evolution and legalities of teaching it.
Journal Article |
Dubbed a “dialogue of life,” community immersion in preservice science-teacher education aims at providing a true-to-life and empowering opportunity for prospective science teachers (both elementary and secondary) to…
Journal Article |
To adequately prepare future faculty for their multiple roles as researchers, teachers, and colleagues, innovative teaching opportunities must be made available to doctoral students that allow them to maintain a high…
Making C-E-R 'Attractive' for Elementary Teacher Candidates
Journal Article |
Web Seminar |
The conference is almost here! It's time to prepare your presentation. During this web seminar, we will be outlining how to create a successful presentation at NSTA’s National Conference. During this…
Journal Article |
The departments of Geology and Education at Brooklyn College collaborated with five informal educational institutions in the development of a place-based graduate program for Earth science teachers. The team used “…
Engaging Students in Online Learning Using Teacher Demonstration
Journal Article |
Position Statement |
Teacher Spotlight: Brenda Walsh
Journal Article |