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  • Autism

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    Autism According to the Council for Exceptional Children, autism is a “spectrum disorder within a group of developmental disabilities defined by significant impairments in social interaction and communication, and by the presence of unusual behaviors and interests,” such as repetitive and stereotypic…

  • NSTA District Professional Learning Packages

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    NSTA District Professional Learning Packages All NSTA Programs and modules can be delivered virtually or face-to-face. NSTA offers tailored packages of onsite presentations and workshops, online experiences, and books on popular topics—including three-dimensional instruction—for schools, districts, or states. Using a…

  • NSTA Executive Director Search

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    NSTA Executive Director Search Search Description: Executive Director, National Science Teaching Association The Executive Director reports to the Board of Directors and works with elected officials and the Board to develop a strategic plan and vision for the Association and for carrying out the policies and directives…

  • Teaching STEM in the Preschool Classroom

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  • Teaching Nonfiction Text Structure

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    Bringing other subjects into the science classroom

  • Learning Disabilities

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    Learning Disabilities A learning disability (LD) is a neurological disorder that causes difficulty in organizing information received, remembering it, and expressing it, and therefore affects a person's basic functions such as reading, writing, comprehension, and reasoning. In simple terms, a…

  • Let’s Work Together

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  • Northrop Grumman Foundation Teachers Academy

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    Northrop Grumman Foundation Teachers Academy The Northrop Grumman Foundation Teachers Academy is in its fifth year. The program—designed specifically for middle school teachers (grades 5–8)—was established to help enhance teacher confidence and classroom excellence in science, engineering and technology, while…

  • Reading and Organizational Challenges

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    Reading and Organizational Challenges Reading Disabilities Reading disabilities are among the most common and far reaching disabilities.  If a child has difficulty reading they are unable to access most of the information presented in school and in addition they are usually very reluctant learners…

  • Learning the Language of Scientists

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  • Capturing Student and Instructor Experiences, Perceptions, and Reflections on Remote Learning and Teaching in Introductory Chemistry Courses During COVID-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic forced instructors to suddenly pivot from in-person to remote teaching and students to rapidly adapt their learning strategies. During this emergency instruction period, 21 semistructured, one-on-…

  • Using an Instructional Team During Pandemic Remote Teaching Enhanced Student Outcomes in a Large STEM Course

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    The unplanned shift to online instruction due to the COVID-19 pandemic challenged many instructors teaching large-enrollment courses to design learning environments that actively engaged all students. We looked at how…

  • Making Computer Science Accessible

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  • Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students

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    Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students Hearing loss often appears to be an invisible disability until the student enters the classroom. The challenges for students are anchored in learning language, learning how to listen and speak (if possible) and in learning how to read and write. In nearly all cases,…

  • Intellectual Disabilities

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    Intellectual Disabilities Introduction Students with intellectual disabilities are identified by exhibiting the following criteria: Sub-average intellectual ability (IQ 70 or lower) Problems in adaptive functioning Manifested before the age of 18 General Strategies Identify science role…

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