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  • Technology for Life

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    This collection explicates how technology is utilized practically everywhere, every day- more than many realize. The advancements of technology are life changing and perplexing. Technology affects the environment,…

  • Technologically Savvy

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    This collection is compiled with articles and a web seminar. It discusses the inclusion of electronic technology to facilitate learning about science. Also, it will discuss different approaches to teaching children…

  • Science and Technology

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    I am inexperienced with incorporating science and technology, I think this is a very interesting topic to learn.

  • Engineering and Technology

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  • Technology collection

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  • Technology In The Classroom

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  • Technology Collection

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    A collection on technology in the field of science education.

  • Talking Technology

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    I had a great conversation with an early-career teacher a few weeks ago. She was a “digital native”—armed with smart phone and ready to tweet. I admit, I’m a “digital immigrant” who re-examines every new device in order…

  • Mobile Technology

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    It is interesting teaching at the college level – the common phrase of “put your cell phones away during class” is still heard regularly.  I actually have one colleague who will confiscate the cell…

  • Instructional technology

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    I recently talked with a high school senior who wants to become an elementary teacher. “Working with younger students, one thing I won’t have to think about is technology,” she said. She certainly has some…

  • Time and technology

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    I’m using probes in some of my chemistry labs, although I’m sure I could be doing more with them. In addition, I’m still trying to learn how to enhance lessons with the interactive board that was installed this year. I…

  • Teaching with technology

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    Back in the 1990s, when I was a technology director, a school board member asked me “What technology should our students use to prepare them for the workforce?” I responded that what our current elementary students…

  • Technology topics

    Blog Post |

    As the summer months disappear, I’m finally getting caught up on my reading, thanks to some time at the beach—although I did not see many others reading educational journals there! As a member of ISTE, the…

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