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  • Science, Technology, and YA Lit

    Journal Article |

    This article provides three engaging projects science teachers can use to help students develop environmental consciousness and global awareness using young adult literature and technology.

  • Core Ideas of Engineering and Technology

    Journal Article |

    This article addresses Chapter 8 of A Framework for K–12 Science Education, which presents core ideas in technology and engineering at the same level as core ideas in the traditional science fields.

  • Enhance Nature Exploration With Technology

    Journal Article |

    This article describes using technology as a tool to provide and enhance students' connection with nature. Students use digital photography of nature to tell a story.

  • Assessing Student Understanding with Technology

    Journal Article |

    Most science teachers are amazed when grading tests and quizzes, often wondering how and why students have reached a conclusion, particularly when students fail to provide a detailed account of their logic. Ideally, a…

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