Decay and Renewal (Student Edition)
NSTA Press Book |
Most of us throw or flush things away every day without thinking about the fact that there is no “away.” Whether discarded substances break down or not, they affect our environment. By investigating the processes in…
Invasion Ecology (Teacher’s Guide—Includes Full Student Edition)
NSTA Press Book |
Strange intruders are invading our part of the world, threatening our environment and our economy. These newcomers and their impact on our ecological balance are the focus of Invasion Ecology, a new book that teaches…
Decay and Renewal (Teacher Edition—Includes Full Student Edition)
NSTA Press Book |
Are you looking for a new way to teach about respiration, nutrient cycling, energy flow, producers, consumers, and decomposers? Decay and Renewal provides techniques for students to learn the basics while…
Safety Resources for Middle/Secondary Schools
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Safety Resources for Middle/Secondary Schools U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: The National Library of Medicine (NLM) Specialized Information Services (SIS) recently released a new Enviro-Health Links page, "Laboratory Safety," which offers links to information for clinical, academic, and school…
Online Supplementary Files 2007-2020
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Online Supplementary Files 2007-2020 November/December 2020The Aurora BorealisStudent WorksheetSolar wind velocity data and answer keySolar storm answer keyConnecting to the Next Generation Science StandardsThe Lives of Staph (Idea Bank)Appendix AAppendix BAppendix CAppendix DAppendix EAppendix…
Shell Science Lab Regional Challenge Testimonials
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Shell Science Lab Regional Challenge Testimonials LaConner High School – Todd Hinderman On behalf of LaConner High School and myself, we are truly grateful for the grant award money through the Shell Lab Science Challenge Regional competition. This award has allowed me to upgrade and purchase some very necessary and…
Online Connections (2010-2021)
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Online Connections (2010-2021) July-August 2021Under the SeaStandardized rubric for analyzing healthy and impacted coralStudent worksheet for organizing evidenceUsing Big Data to Understand the History of Planet EarthConnecting to the Next Generation Science StandardsDelving Into the Database…
Online Supplementary Files 2003-2021
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Online Supplementary Files 2003-2021 July/August 2021Teaching Through Trade Books—Pushing, Pulling, and Predicting Force PatternsK-23-5Engineering Encounters—Turn Up the Music!Turn Up The Music Supplemental Resources Using Toys to Create a Global ConnectionUsing Toys…
Teacher Demonstration—Student Exploration
Journal Article |