Using Computational Thinking and Modeling to Build Water and Watershed Literacy
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Teaching Sciences With Impact Using the Lectorial Approach: Stimulating Active Learning
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This article reports on students’ experiences of the lectorial approach that was implemented for health science students studying sciences at a South Australian university. A lectorial, based on active student-centered…
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Using Team-Based Learning in the Science Classroom
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With an overwhelming amount of research and a demand for collaborative learning in the classroom, teachers are tackling challenges at all educational levels that often accompany the social aspects of group work. Team-…
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In this paper we put forth a model for physics course reform that uniquely uses proven, research-based active-learning strategies to help students improve their physics knowledge and problem-solving skills. In this…
Modifying Scientific Research Into Introductory Science Course Lessons Using a 5E Lesson Format
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Science faculty are being asked to create active learning experiences that engage students in core concepts and science practices. This article describes an approach to developing active learning lessons from authentic…
Multimodal Text Sets to Use Literature and Engage All Learners in the Science Classroom
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A Lesson in Geospatial Inquiry
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A Lesson in Geospatial Inquiry Geospatial Inquiry is an educational framework that offers students an opportunity to engage with, and become curious about, geospatial data for a defined purpose. We define Geospatial Inquiry as: “Asking and answering a question through the analysis and communication of data that is…
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Autism According to the Council for Exceptional Children, autism is a “spectrum disorder within a group of developmental disabilities defined by significant impairments in social interaction and communication, and by the presence of unusual behaviors and interests,” such as repetitive and stereotypic…
Call for Papers: Science and Children
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Call for Papers: Science and Children Your 2000-word manuscript should describe a set of connected lessons or investigations that build an idea or content area. They should include assessments (pre-, post- and formative) as well as enough detail that another teacher could replicate the lessons in the…
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Awesome Websites and More NSTA strongly believes that parents can and should play an integral part in their child’s science education. Listed below are websites taken from the NSTA e-newsletter Scientific Principals that parents can use to find out more about science education and engage their children in fun, simple…
Science Scope: Checklist for Feature Articles
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Never written a feature article for Science Scope before? Follow this checklist as you prepare your manuscript. You’ll soon be on your way to getting published!
Glossary of Disability Terminology
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Glossary of Disability Terminology Accessible: In the case of a facility, readily usable by a particular individual; in the case of a program or activity, presented or provided in such a way that a particular individual can participate, with or without auxiliary aid(s); in the case of electronic resources, accessible…