Translanguaging Using Technology
Journal Article |
An Innovative Use of Technology . . . and Partnerships
Journal Article |
Instructional Technology: A Review of Research and Recommendations for Use
Book Chapter |
Carefully chosen and properly used instructional technology can increase student learning and student interest. Poorly used instructional technology can do the opposite; we have all experienced this phenomenon when…
Using technology to sensitively and sensibly meet students' needs in the science classroom
Journal Article |
Strategies for increasing student engagement
Using Technology in the Classroom
Journal Article |
The author describes how she has come to use technology in her classroom over the years. Her main topics include using the internet, experiencing podcasts, using technology for assessment, and recording results from…
Integrating Technology: Using Science and Technology to Protect Urban Water Sources
Journal Article |
This column shares how teachers use technology for assessment, student learning, or classroom management. In this article, the authors describe an eighth-grade science lesson in which the teacher discussed with her…
Using technology to Blend Teaching and Basic Research
Journal Article |
The CHANCE (Connecting Humans and Nature in the Costa Rican Environment) program is a coordinated effort between The Pennsylvania State University (PSU) and the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) that trains…
Teaching Electromagnetic Waves Used in Communication Technologies
Journal Article |
Use this set of lessons to explore how electromagnetic waves make modern communication technology possible.