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  • Where is water found?

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    2-ESS2-3 NGSS Standard resources - Where is water found and in what different states (solid, liquid)? This is a collection of resources for teachers to use to satisfy NGSS 2-ESS2-3. It consists of background/…

  • Understanding the Water Cycle

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    These resources complement each other to provide both teachers and students with a better understanding of the water cycle.

  • Wind and Water Currents

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    Wind and Water Currents resources for my 10 day block plan

  • Air and Water Collection

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    This collection will explain what is air and how what it is made of. The same will happen with the water.…

  • Weather / Water Cycle

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  • Exploring Properties of Water

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  • Physical Changes in Water

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    This is a collection of articles, SciObjects, trade books, and podcasts in order to help teachers learn and teach about the Water Cycle.

  • Water Cycle Lesson

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    The students will be discovering that water can come from the air. The students will also experiment with condensation, precipitation, and evaporation.

  • Water Cycle pt 2

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  • Sarah Kafer--Water

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    Lesson Collection

  • NSTA Collection: Water

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  • Air and Water Pollution

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    This collection will contain resources that discuss water and air pollution.

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