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  • Earth & Space Science - The Atmosphere: The Water Cycle (Grade 4: Standard 8)

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    Resources in this collection will support the following: GLE 0407.8.1 - Recognize the major components of the water cycle. CFU 0407.8.1 - Prepare a model that illustrates the basic features of the water cycle. SPI 0407…

  • Earth & Space Science - The Atmosphere: The Water Cycle (Grade 4: Standard 8)

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    Resources in this collection will support the following: GLE 0407.8.1 - Recognize the major components of the water cycle. CFU 0407.8.1 - Prepare a model that illustrates the basic features of the water cycle. SPI 0407…

  • Earth & Space Science - The Atmosphere: The Water Cycle (Grade 4: Standard 8)

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    Resources in this collection will support the following: GLE 0407.8.1 - Recognize the major components of the water cycle. CFU 0407.8.1 - Prepare a model that illustrates the basic features of the water cycle. SPI 0407…

  • Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students

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    Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students Hearing loss often appears to be an invisible disability until the student enters the classroom. The challenges for students are anchored in learning language, learning how to listen and speak (if possible) and in learning how to read and write. In nearly all cases,…

  • Online Connections: Science Scope

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    Online Connections: Science Scope July-August 2021 Under the Sea Standardized rubric for analyzing healthy and impacted coral Student worksheet for organizing evidence Using Big Data to Understand the History of Planet Earth Connecting to the Next Generation Science Standards Delving Into…

  • Online Connections: Science and Children

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    Online Connections: Science and Children July/August 2021 Teaching Through Trade Books—Pushing, Pulling, and Predicting Force Patterns K-2 3-5 Engineering Encounters—Turn Up the Music! Turn Up The Music Supplemental Resources      Using Toys to Create a Global…

  • Online Connections: The Science Teacher

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    Online Connections: The Science Teacher November/December 2020 The Aurora Borealis Student Worksheet Solar wind velocity data and answer key Solar storm answer key Connecting to the Next Generation Science Standards The Lives of Staph (Idea Bank) Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C…

  • Ecosystem Cycles

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    The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students’ ideas about the transfer of matter and energy in ecosystems. The probe is designed to reveal whether students recognize that only matter is cycled through an…

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