Weather Versus Climate: What’s the Difference?
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How Do We Decide ''Weather'' Or Not To
Proceed With a Trip?Book Chapter |
In this Data Puzzle, students will observe how temperature, dew point, pressure, and wind direction change over time, and they will interpret this suite of related changes as due to the passage of a cold front. They…
Student-Constructed Weather Instruments Facilitate Scientific Inquiry
Journal Article |
Students in introductory college science courses often have a simplified understanding of the scientific method. To introduce students to the complexity of the scientific process and the value of empirical observations…
Journal Article |
Research Project-Based Learning in Meteorology Using an Online Severe Weather Events Archive
Journal Article |
This article presents a semester-long, interdisciplinary project-based learning (PBL) suitable for secondary and postsecondary students enrolled in a second-semester (i.e., intermediate) meteorology course. This case-…
Q: Do you have a weather-related activity that my students would enjoy?
Journal Article |
Book Chapter |
The Ocean Institute (OI) is dedicated to increasing awareness and understanding of the ocean environment. Its 9-week Weather…
Journal Article |
Science 101
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In this article, Mount Washington Observatory meteorologist Tim Markle shares the ins and outs of his daily weather-observing routine and offers insights on making weather observations at home or at school.
Journal Article |
An integrative science unit combines science content on severe weather with the engineering design process.