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  • Science For All: Engineering a Classroom That Works for All

    Journal Article |

    This column shares strategies for increasing student engagement. The authors have found that there are multiple strategies that support students with special education needs, as well as ELLs. Here are just a few…

  • Methods and Strategies: Put Your Walls to Work

    Journal Article |

    This column provides ideas and techniques to enhance your science teaching. This month’s issue discusses planning and using interactive word walls to support science and reading instruction.

  • Science 101: How does a lever work?

    Journal Article |

    Two approaches to how a lever works: one dealing with torque, one dealing with energy.

  • Science 101: How does photosynthesis work?

    Journal Article |

    Energy transformations are an important part of the functioning of ecosystems, and a key part of those energy transformations is photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, bacteria, and other…

  • Science 101: How Do Microscopes Work?

    Journal Article |

    Microscopes allow scientists to examine everyday objects in extraordinary ways. They provide high-resolution images that show objects in fine detail. This articles includes details on how microscopes work and how they…

  • Working as a Team: Preparing a Problem Awareness File

    Journal Article |

    A generic teaching format in which students actively participate in a whole-class collaborative-learning experience is described. The entire class, divided into groups, made a joint effort to overcome a hypothetical…

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