Urban Science Educator Development Award

Program Summary
This award provides support to outstanding diverse educators in pursuit of professional development, active participation at the NSTA National Conference on Science Education and committees that transitions into leadership roles, and serves to increase the science educator talent pool of minority educators to meet the education work force challenge of the future. The recipients of the Award will be honored during the Shell Reception at the NSTA National Conference.
Apply or nominate a colleague today!
Deadline extension to complete your Shell Teaching Awards application: December 19, 2025
The applicant must be a K‐12 science teacher in an urban setting. Classroom science teachers at the elementary, middle or high school level who are part of underrepresented populations in STEM are eligible. Qualifying underrepresented populations in STEM are: African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans/Alaska Natives who maintain tribal affiliation or community attachment, Hawaiian natives, natives of the U.S. Pacific Islands, and other
The award consists of $1800 to be used to attend the annual NSTA National Conference on Science Education, a year’s membership in NSTA, AMSE, and a year’s subscription in the Shell Educator Cohort ($6,000 value). Recipients will be invited to attend a variety of workshops and presentations that are of particular interest to urban teachers at the annual National Conference. Recognition at the Shell Awards reception, attend the AMSE Alice J. Moses Breakfast or other AMSE social, participate in the Multicultural Share‐a‐thon, participate in the AMSE Town Hall Meeting, participate in the Shell Educator Cohort throughout the year. Seven awards will be given annually.
Submission Requirements
Please feel free to e‐mail
Testimonials, Tips & Example Lessons
Sample of teaching philosophy and instructional method
Archived web seminar: Developing a Competitive Application for Shell Teaching Awards (2020.10.29)
Archived web seminar: Developing a Competitive Application for the Shell Science Teaching Award (2016.12.07)
Archived web seminar: Developing a Competitive Application for the Shell Science Teaching Award (2014.10.15)
Archived web seminar: Developing a Competitive Application for the Shell Science Teaching Award (2012.09.26)
Get tips and recommendations from past Shell Science Teaching Award winners
Additional Information
About the Sponsor Organization
Shell USA, Inc. is an affiliate of the Royal Dutch Shell plc, a global group of energy and petrochemical companies with operations in more than 70 countries. In the U.S., Shell USA Inc. operates in 50 states and employs more than 20,000 people working to help tackle the challenges of the new energy future.
FOR INQUIRIES CONTACT: Shell USA, Inc. Media Line 832-33-SHELL