Uncovering Student Ideas Probes
By Page Keeley
Understand Student Thinking & Transform Your Teaching with Easy-To-Use Digital Diagnostic Tools
Probes are intrinsically interesting questions that reveal what all students are thinking, uncovering initial ideas and misconceptions about core concepts and familiar phenomena that students bring to their learning. Teachers can now access digital versions of the popular formative assessment probes found in the bestselling NSTA Press series Uncovering Student Ideas. Loaded with classroom-friendly features you can use immediately, each digital probe integrates with Google Classroom and is available in both English and Spanish. The detailed Teacher Notes that accompany each probe include current research summaries, new instructional suggestions, and related NSTA resources.
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Tens of thousands of teachers have taken advantage of the Uncovering Student Ideas series to reveal students’ preconceptions.
Additional Resources
Page Keeley—science education expert, award-winning author, and NSTA Past President—regularly shares insights that promote learning through assessment in her Formative Assessment Probes column featured in Science & Children.