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Writing for the NSTA Blog


If you’re passionate about science education and eager to share your insights, experiences, and ideas with a wide community of educators, we’d love to hear from you. Writing for the NSTA Blog is a great opportunity to connect with fellow science educators, highlight innovative teaching strategies, and contribute to the ongoing conversation about science education. Whether you are a classroom teacher, science supervisor, administrator, informal educator, home educator, researcher, or STEM professional, your voice matters, and we encourage you to share your unique perspectives with our readers.

Note that we aren’t able to guarantee publication of any blog post, submitted or invited, until it has been through the review and approval process.


Submission Guidelines
  • Generally, authors should be NSTA members, though the blog may feature guest posts on timely topics from nonmembers. These guest posts are typically invited by the editors for specific purposes. Nonmembers are welcome to submit articles, but please note that prompt consideration cannot be assured. Queries and submissions from NSTA members will be prioritized over those from nonmembers.
  • We will not publish material that has been previously published in either print or digital format (on websites, in blogs, in e-books, etc.) or that overtly promotes commercial products such as materials, books, software, or professional services.
  • In general, articles should be 600–800 words, although you can request to publish longer (1,000+ words) articles.
  • We prefer a first-person point of view and a conversational tone.
  • Preference will be given to blog posts that directly relate to the work of NSTA, its chapters and affiliates, and its members.
What We Publish

We love engaging content that is clear and direct. Please read our blog to get a sense of our tone and style before you submit. We accept several types of content, including:

  • Article about science education trends, best practices, and innovations
  • Tips for using specific tools or techniques
  • Classroom, school, and district success stories
  • How-to articles

Have another idea? Send an email to

Submission Process

NSTA blogging involves a very iterative process of draft submission, feedback, and resubmission. Please keep in mind the following instructions:

  • Full-post submissions should be sent as attached Word documents to Please do not paste the text into the e-mail message.
  • Photos, charts, and graphs should be sent as separate files attached to an e-mail message. Photos should not be large (i.e., should not be high-resolution photos, which are typically 1 MB or larger). Authors should make sure to have obtained permission to publish any photos, charts, and graphs they did not create themselves and should provide the credit information for the creators/photographers, if available.
  • Authors must gain approval from all individuals who appear in photos prior to publication.
  • Bloggers should include all web URLs separately, rather than linking them to text in the blog post. For example, NSTA, not NSTA.
  • Include a title.
  • Attach a photo of 2 MB or less of the author (headshot).
  • Include a 1–3 sentence biography of the author(s); consider including social media links in the bio if you want to encourage engagement/following on Facebook, X, LinkedIn, etc. Include a 1–3 sentence biography of the author(s); consider including social media links in the bio if you want to encourage engagement/following on Facebook, X, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.
Editorial Process

NSTA staff review all blog posts submitted for consideration. Full articles that have been reviewed and edited will be published as blog posts on the NSTA website ( and may be promoted through the Association’s communication channels (newsletters, social media, etc.).

  • Articles will be reviewed for content accuracy and fidelity to the Framework.
  • All pieces chosen for publication will be copyedited. Articles will be returned to the author for review of edits before publication.
  • NSTA staff will try, when possible, to let authors know within four to six weeks whether or not an article has been accepted for publication.
  • If you blog for us, you’ll earn our sincere appreciation, a byline, and the respect of a grateful community, though we’re unable to offer monetary compensation.

Publicity, accorded to any particular point of view, does not imply endorsement by NSTA, the Board of Directors, or the membership at large, except in announcements of policy, in which such endorsement is clearly specified.

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