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Struggling with paperwork

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Struggling with paperwork

This is my first year of teaching in a middle school, and I am really struggling with paperwork. Currently I am spending all my time checking papers t...

By Mary Bigelow

What are STEM activities in your school, district or state?

Blog Post

What are STEM activities in your school, district or state?

In this month’s Leaders Letter, some of the questions posted connect to STEM related activities in your area.  To start the topic off, I’...

By Christine Royce

Chemistry Now, week 12: clean chemistry: under the sink

Blog Post

Chemistry Now, week 12: clean chemistry: under the sink

Ammonia is one of the chemicals that feeds the world....

By admin

Spring, and moving on towards summer

Blog Post

Spring, and moving on towards summer

In my neck of the woods we are enjoying a consistently cool Spring with cherry blossoms and daffodils lasting longer than in most years. The sugar sna...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Sharing research results

Blog Post

Sharing research results

Table of Contents...

By Mary Bigelow

Science outdoors is a natural

Blog Post

Science outdoors is a natural

Giving students opportunities to explore and observe plants, birds, or bugs on the school grounds or in nearby gardens and parks can bring multiple be...

By Claire Reinburg

Assessment items

Blog Post

Assessment items

I’m interested in finding some science assessments to supplement the state tests at the high school level. I’m especially looking for ones...

By Mary Bigelow

Maine's Kindergarten iPad2 1-to-1 Initiative

Blog Post

Maine's Kindergarten iPad2 1-to-1 Initiative


By Martin Horejsi

Chemistry Now, week 11: condiments

Blog Post

Chemistry Now, week 11: condiments

Salads, sandwiches, and, of course, hamburgers feature condiments for flavor and texture. Tuna and chicken cling to onions and celery with the aid of ...

By admin

Sharing research results of play dough comparison

Blog Post

Sharing research results of play dough comparison

Children in my preschool love to cook, and in some ways cooking is much like science learning. We feel the ingredients, measure them, follow a procedu...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Science is not optional

Blog Post

Science is not optional

Should science instruction before grade 3 be eliminated to make more time in the school day for Language Arts and Math instruction?...

By Peggy Ashbrook


Blog Post


Spring is a great time to focus on botany! This issue has many ideas to enhance traditional plant activities to make inquiry “bloom” in th...

By Mary Bigelow

PD vs teacher training

Blog Post

PD vs teacher training

I just sat through another full day of “professional development.” As a middle school science teacher, I’m interested in many topics...

By Mary Bigelow

Thomas Nelson Hubbard (1931–2011)

Blog Post

Thomas Nelson Hubbard (1931–2011)

Long-time NSTA exhibitor Thomas “Tom” Nelson Hubbard died Monday, March 21, 2011, in Santa Barbara, California from cardio-respiratory fai...

By NSTA Web Director

Chemistry Now, week 10: pickles

Blog Post

Chemistry Now, week 10: pickles

Pucker up, it’s time to talk pickles. Pickled peppers, cukes, onions, eggs, really anything that can be preserved by tossing it in a brine solut...

By admin

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