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New roles for teachers

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New roles for teachers

Two of the sessions I attended today were presented by classroom teachers who have found new ways to develop their leadership skills....

By Mary Bigelow

Welcome to Baltimore

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Welcome to Baltimore

NSTA must be in Nature’s good graces, because this was a perfect day to arrive in Baltimore for the area conference—blue skies and warm (f...

By Mary Bigelow

Presenting at a conference

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Presenting at a conference

I just got back from the NSTA area conference in Kansas City, Missouri, and I’d like to try presenting. My colleagues and I have some successful...

By Mary Bigelow

NAEYC post conference update: science was there

Blog Post

NAEYC post conference update: science was there

From beginning to end, the National Association for the Education of Young Children 2010 annual conference in collaboration with National Black Child ...

By Peggy Ashbrook

To hire or not to hire …

Blog Post

To hire or not to hire …

To continue the theme of “what’s been brewing lately?” I recently received a message from an NSTA chapter leader who asked for guida...

By Teshia Birts, CAE

Your thoughts on alternative certification

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Your thoughts on alternative certification

“Different Routes to Science Teaching Lead to Common Ground,” the cover story of the November...

By Debra Shapiro

Follow-up on PCAST report

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Follow-up on PCAST report

NSTA Executive Director Francis Eberle...

By Francis Eberle

Everyone gets a chance

Blog Post

Everyone gets a chance

I’ve used some of your suggestions on class participation, but this year I have several fifth-graders who try to monopolize class discussions an...

By Mary Bigelow

USA Festival of Science and Engineering 2010—just a fraction of what was there

Blog Post

USA Festival of Science and Engineering 2010—just a fraction of what was there

I had a good time at the USA Science and Engineering Festival Expo in Washington, D.C. on October 23 and 24. I was really impressed with the large nu...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Popular classroom resources at the KC conference

Blog Post

Popular classroom resources at the KC conference

The on-site Science Store at the Kansas City Area Conference has been bustling....

By Claire Reinburg

Bits and pieces for October

Blog Post

Bits and pieces for October

The fall is my favorite season — the colorful leaves, the cooler weather, the different position of the sun that gives everything a slightly dif...

By Mary Bigelow

Teaching and learning about wind energy

Blog Post

Teaching and learning about wind energy

On an appropriately blustery morning in Kansas City, the short course “Wind Energy for the Science Classroom,” led by Joe Rand of The KidWind Proj...

By Claire Reinburg

Blogging resumes for NSTA Chapters and Associated Groups community

Blog Post

Blogging resumes for NSTA Chapters and Associated Groups community

Hello everyone!  I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself —I’m Teshia Birts, one of the newest members of the NSTA staff...

By Teshia Birts, CAE

Physics filtered through a three-year-old

Blog Post

Physics filtered through a three-year-old

“Whether we like it or not,” Christoph Niemann writes at the New York Times website, “human life is subject to the universal laws of...

By NSTA Web Director

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