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Making Connections @ NSTA 18

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Making Connections @ NSTA 18

It is day 2 of the NSTA National Conference! One of my favorite ways to start the day is the Elementary Extravaganza—it’s a great event with lots ...

By Lynn Petrinjak

#NSTA18 Atlanta: Day 1

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#NSTA18 Atlanta: Day 1

What a day! If your shoulders are not throbbing, bags not over-flowing, and brain not racing… you may have not been at the same conference as I was...

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

Ron Clark's Opening Session: "We need to inspire the next generation!"

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Ron Clark's Opening Session: "We need to inspire the next generation!"

Ms. Valeria (@GA_ScienceRodva) captured the essence of Ron Clark’s dynamic presentation to thousands of science teachers first thing Thursday m...

By Carole Hayward

#NSTA18 Atlanta: Tweet All About It!

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#NSTA18 Atlanta: Tweet All About It!

The 2018 NSTA National Conference started with selfies, and quickly evolved into group shots!   Science selfies at the Alabama booth in the reg...

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

Online community on learning science through play

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Online community on learning science through play

Play may mean many things, but in early childhood education it can include learning science concepts. Looking for resources on “Learning Science...

By Peggy Ashbrook

Congress Scrambles to Introduce Bills to Address School Violence & Mental Health

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Congress Scrambles to Introduce Bills to Address School Violence & Mental Health

In the wake of the school shootings last month in Parkland, Florida that claimed the lives of 17 people, key leaders in both the Senate and the House ...

By Jodi Peterson

Ideas and inspiration from NSTA’s March 2018 K-12 journals

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Ideas and inspiration from NSTA’s March 2018 K-12 journals

Regardless of what grade level or subject are you teach, as you skim through the article titles, you may find ideas for lessons that would be interest...

By Mary Bigelow

What Parents Talk About When They Talk About Learning; A National Survey About Young Children and Science

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What Parents Talk About When They Talk About Learning; A National Survey About Young Children and Science

Guest blogger Cindy Hoisington is an early childhood science educator at Education Development Center Inc. in Waltham, Massachusetts. She brings to he...

By Peggy Ashbrook

New Book Helps Teachers of Young Children Discover the Wonders of Science Exploration

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New Book Helps Teachers of Young Children Discover the Wonders of Science Exploration

Curiosity, joy, and wonder. Our youngest students possess an over-abundance of these qualities, and when their teachers successfully tap into them, th...

By Carole Hayward

NSTA Student Chapters Cultivate Professional, Community Ties

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NSTA Student Chapters Cultivate Professional, Community Ties

Coryn Cange, a member of the NSTA Student Chapter at Stony Brook University, guides high school students as they study water filtration in a chemistry...

By Lynn Petrinjak

Science Activity Safety Checklist

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Science Activity Safety Checklist

The “Science Activity Safety Checklist,” written by NSTA’s Science Safety Advisory Board, allows teachers to vet any new demonstration, activity...

By Kenneth Roy


Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor

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Go Direct® Gas Pressure Sensor

Introduction The Go Direct Gas Pressure Sensor is used to monitor pressure changes during gas-law experiments. Subsequently, science teachers can use ...

By Edwin P. Christmann

Using Science and Children: Appreciating editors’ notes

Blog Post

Using Science and Children: Appreciating editors’ notes

A colleague mentioned that he has a few recent issues of Science and Children to catch up on. Reading an issue of the journal doesn’t have to be fro...

By Peggy Ashbrook

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