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Discovering Science: teaching science and sequencing (seeds, grades K-1)

By admin

Posted on 2013-08-07

They put down roots and then sprout shoots! Seeds—they are little packages that bring new plants to life. As children discover the steps in a seed’s development, they will also experience the skill of sequencing.

Understanding sequence or the order of events, helps children develop scientific inquiry as well as literacy skills.

With NSTA’s latest “Discovering Science” lesson, students will examine seeds and observe seed growth. As they draw pictures or make notes about each step in the growth process, they will discover how a sequence of specific events can lead to a final outcome. Extend opportunities for sequencing. Invite students to draw pictures showing each step they follow as they get ready for school. Guide them in numbering the pictures or using words such as first, next, then, finally. Students will also benefit from describing the sequence of events that occur in a story they have read or heard. You may wish to use a graphic organizer to provide support in understanding story structure. Read more about sequencing.

Lesson Plan

Please take a look at the seeds lesson plan for K-1 students. Let us know how it worked in your classroom—we’d love to hear your comments and suggestions!

Image of big and little hands planting seeds courtesy of protoflux.

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