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Family science: ideas and resources for activities

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2011-05-06

Child uses a magnifier and shows discovery to parent.Towards the end of the school year we often think of resources we can share with families to use over the summer. I like to describe my favorite outdoor areas to explore with young children with tips for what to take to make the experience last longer (snacks and hats) and be safe (know what poison ivy looks like and use sanitizer after playing near, in, a creek). As I tell my preschool parents, don’t discount the science you do every day with your children. Most household chores involve math, literacy and science skills— sorting clothes by color, reading pictures and words to see how much and then measuring the amount of laundry detergent, and watching bubbles form as the water pours in. Once all the chores are finished (lol), turn to the public library and internet for science activities to do with young children.
Reading books aloud, especially those that allow children to predict what might happen next, or what a character is thinking, give children practice in coming up with questions and ownership in voicing them. It gives us adults practice too, in allowing enough “wait time” for children to to formulate their thoughts. Try Fortunately by Remy Charlip or any other work of fiction.
Use your judgment about the age appropriateness of activities because you know your child best. Here are a few sites to gather ideas and directions:
First Hand Learning’s printable mini-journals for observations in nature.
“Go Beyond the Classroom” blog with videos on play-based learning and book suggestions.
Foundation for Family Science, with activities on the website and a book of activities, Family Science, for various ages.
Museums of all kinds often describe activities to try at home on their websites. The Exploratorium, the museum of science, art and human perception has pages and pages of activities to pick from.
Scientific American “Bring Science Home” activities based on the National Science Education Standards for children ages 6 to 12 years old—to be undertaken with the help and guidance of an adult.
The list doesn’t stop here—share your sources with all of us Early Years teachers and families.

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