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Here's Why Space Nerds Need to Be at #NSTA17 LA

By Lauren Jonas, NSTA Assistant Executive Director

Posted on 2017-01-16

We didn’t invent the term space nerds; we just invited the two most interesting people on the planet who are proud to own it to speak at NSTA’s 2017 National Conference in Los Angeles: March 30–April 2.

Weir gets up close and personal with Robonaut2. Image Credit NASA James Blair and Lauren Harnett

15 Early Birds Get to Dine With Andy Weir

Our keynote speaker is Andy Weir, author of the New York Times best seller The Martian, and a lifelong space nerd and devoted hobbyist of subjects like relativistic physics, orbital mechanics, and the history of manned spaceflight. Join us in LA to hear Weir speak on Thursday, March 30, from 9:15–10:30 AM.

Register by the earlybird deadline, February 3, and you’ll be automatically entered for a chance to win a special VIP experience. Fifteen lucky winners will receive:

  • Invitation to join Andy for an exclusive dinner on Wednesday evening hosted by Penguin Random House
  • Complimentary copy of the book and classroom kit
  • VIP seating at the General Session

Special Preconference Presentation by Bill Nye

Bill Nye 

Don’t miss scientist, comedian, teacher, and author—Bill Nye as he shares “How nerds solve problems.” Bill’s ongoing mission is to change the world through science education. Join us to hear Bill’s Planetary Society Lecture on Wednesday, March 29, from 6:00–8:00 PM.

Meet Your Favorite NSTA Press Authors!

NSTA Press® Session: Argumentation in the Earth and Space Science Classroom
Thursday, March 30 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
JW Marriott Los Angeles at L.A. LIVE, Diamond Ballroom Salon 3
Join us for a hands-on workshop to learn how to engage in scientific argumentation to support teaching in your classrooms. Sample activities from the leading NSTA books provided.
Presenter(s): Sharon Schleigh (East Carolina University: Greenville, NC)
FORMAT: Hands-On Workshop
SUBJECT: Earth and Space Science

NSTA Press® Session: Next Time You See…
Friday, March 31 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM
JW Marriott Los Angeles at L.A. LIVE, Diamond Ballroom Salon 3
The author of the Next Time You See series from NSTA Press will share books and activities to inspire a sense of wonder about the natural world.
Presenter(s): Emily Morgan (Picture-Perfect Science: West Chester, OH)
FORMAT: Hands-On Workshop
GRADE LEVEL: PreK, K, 1 – 5
SUBJECT: General Science Education

NSTA Press® Session: Learning to Read the Earth and Sky, Explorations Supporting the NGSS
Friday, March 31 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
JW Marriott Los Angeles at L.A. LIVE, Diamond Ballroom Salon 3
Earth scientists read stories written in the Earth. Join us in some investigative classroom lessons through which you and your students can apply the practices of science to reading the Earth.
Presenter(s): Russell Colson (Minnesota State University Moorhead: Moorhead, MN), Mary Colson (Horizon Middle School: Moorhead, MN)
FORMAT: Hands-On Workshop
GRADE LEVEL: 6 – 12, College
SUBJECT: Earth and Space Science

NSTA Press® Session: Solar Science = NGSS-Focused Solar Astronomy Experiences + Preparation for the All American Total Solar Eclipse
Saturday, April 1 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM
JW Marriott Los Angeles at L.A. LIVE, Diamond Ballroom Salon 3
NSTA recently published Solar Science, a solar astronomy curriculum resource that is NGSS-focused and prepares you for the 2017 solar eclipse. Come explore some of these effective learning experiences.
Presenter(s): Dennis Schatz (Pacific Science Center: Seattle, WA), Andrew Fraknoi (Foothill College: Los Altos Hills, CA)
FORMAT: Hands-On Workshop
SUBJECT: Earth and Space Science

Out of This World Sessions, Trips, and Workshops

What else can Earth and space science fans do at NSTA’s National Conference? Here’s a sample; search the online session browser for more.

Blue Marble Matches
Thursday, March 30 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Los Angeles Convention Center, Kentia Hall Q
Connect NASA images of Earth and other planets with the evidence for geologic processes like weathering and erosion, while exploring the processes shaping our worlds.
Presenter(s): Veronica Leija (Learning Expert: Houston, TX), Brandon Hargis (NASA Johnson Space Center/Texas State University: Houston, TX)
FORMAT: Hands-On Workshop
SUBJECT: Earth and Space Science

T-1: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Morning Tour
Thursday, March 30 8:30 AM – 12:45 PM
Off-site, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
T-3: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Afternoon Tour
Thursday, March 30 12:00 PM – 4:15 PM
Off-site, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (PM)
Ticket Price: $35 advance, preregistration only
Purchase tickets when you register online or on the LA Registration Form.

T-6: Griffith Observatory: Gateway to the Cosmos
Thursday, March 30 6:00 PM – 10:45 PM
Off-site, Griffith Observatory
Ticket Price: $35 advance; $40 on-site 
Purchase tickets when you register online or on the LA Registration Form.

NASA’s “Eyes on the Solar System”: Bringing the Planets to Your Classroom
Friday, March 31 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Los Angeles Convention Center, Kentia Hall P
Bring the solar system to your classroom using this free computer-based model from NASA. Explore planets, spacecraft, and more!
Presenter(s): Rachel Zimmerman Brachman (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory: Pasadena, CA), Kevin Hussey (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory: Pasadena, CA)
FORMAT: Presentation
SUBJECT: Earth and Space Science

F-1: Science and Endeavour Up Close at California Science Center
Friday, March 31 9:00 AM – 1:15 PM
Off-site, California Science Center
Ticket Price: $29 advance; $34 on-site 
Purchase tickets when you register online or on the LA Registration Form.

F-2: The Columbia Memorial Space Center: Exploring 21st-Century STEM at a Historic NASA Site
Friday, March 31 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Off-site, Columbia Memorial Space Center
Ticket Price: $31 advance; $36 on-site 
Purchase tickets when you register online or on the LA Registration Form.

Rocket Science and Engineering in High School: A STEM Approach
Friday, March 31 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
JW Marriott Los Angeles at L.A. LIVE, Diamond Ballroom Salon 9
Come learn how to adapt complex concepts of aerospace engineering to high school students, in a hands-on STEM program.
Presenter(s): Dimitri Scripnic (Florida Polytechnic University: Lakeland, FL), Roberto Silva (Technological Institute of Aeronautics: Vila das Acacias, SP, Brazil)
FORMAT: Hands-On Workshop
GRADE LEVEL: 8 – 12, College
SUBJECT: Engineering-Technology-and the Application of Science, Earth and Space Science

Keeping It Real: Connecting Students to a NASA Ground Validation Campaign!
Friday, March 31 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Los Angeles Convention Center, Kentia Hall P
Come learn how students in Washington State were able to work with scientists from a NASA Earth-observing mission to help with ground validation campaign!
Presenter(s): Dorian Janney (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Greenbelt, MD)
FORMAT: Presentation
SUBJECT: Engineering-Technology-and the Application of Science, Earth and Space Science

STEM on Station
Friday, March 31 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM
JW Marriott Los Angeles at L.A. LIVE, Diamond Ballroom Salon 8
NASA Education Specialists demonstrate how to integrate research from the International Space Station into the biology classroom.
Presenter(s): Crystal Del Rosso (Paragon TEC: Houston, TX), Brandon Hargis (NASA Johnson Space Center/Texas State University: Houston, TX)
FORMAT: Hands-On Workshop
SUBJECT: Life Science 

Space Explorers: 25 Years of Inner-City Students Out-of-School-Time Explorations
Friday, March 31 5:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Los Angeles Convention Center, Kentia Hall R
Discover how to measure the universe with a digital camera and a Godzilla model, how fast your rods are compared to your cones in your eyes, and what happens when you connect astronomers and inner-city high school students.
Presenter(s): Randall Landsberg (Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics: Chicago, IL)
FORMAT: Presentation
SUBJECT: Informal Science Education, Earth and Space Science

NESTA and NSTA Aerospace Education Advisory Board Space Science Share-a-Thon
Saturday, April 1 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Los Angeles Convention Center, Petree Hall D
Join more than 20 NESTA members and other education specialists as they share their favorite NGSS-congruent classroom activities. Lots of free handouts!
Presenter(s): Paul Nordhaus (Harborside Academy: Kenosha, WI), Carla McAuliffe (TERC: Cambridge, MA)
FORMAT: Hands-On Workshop
SUBJECT: Earth and Space Science

Wonderful Watersheds!
Saturday, April 1 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM
JW Marriott Los Angeles at L.A. LIVE, Plaza 3
Get background on the science behind watershed regions and learn how NASA satellites collect data to better understand and protect these essential environments.
Presenter(s): Dorian Janney (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Greenbelt, MD)
FORMAT: Presentation
SUBJECT: Life Science, Engineering-Technology-and the Application of Science, Earth and Space Science

Destination: NASA…21st-Century Skills and STEAM
Saturday, April 1 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM
Los Angeles Convention Center, Kentia Hall G
Join us and use NASA resources to collaboratively plan and implement integrated multidisciplinary units for K–5, like the one we’ll share “Destination: International Space Station!”
Presenter(s): Margaret Duke (Forest Lake Elementary School: Columbia, SC), Marian Scullion (Forest Lake Elementary School: Columbia, SC)
FORMAT: Hands-On Workshop
SUBJECT: Earth and Space Science 

Exploring Unknown Worlds Through Models, Images, and Data Analysis
Saturday, April 1 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Los Angeles Convention Center, Kentia Hall H
Explore an “unknown world” as a model for the way scientists explore planets, dwarf planets, moons, comets, and asteroids with telescopes and spacecraft.
Presenter(s): Larry Lebofsky (Planetary Science Institute: Tucson, AZ), Thea Canizo (Planetary Science Institute: Tucson, AZ), William Schmitt (The Science Center of Inquiry: Fountain Hills, AZ), Sanlyn Buxner (Planetary Science Institute: Tucson, AZ)
FORMAT: Hands-On Workshop
SUBJECT: Earth and Space Science

LA preview coverWant more? Browse the program preview, or check out more sessions and other events with the LA Session Browser/Personal Scheduler. Follow all our conference tweets using #NSTA17, and if you tweet, please feel free to tag us @NSTA so we see it! Need to request funding or time off? Download this letter of support.

The mission of NSTA is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all.

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2017 National Conference

2017 STEM Forum & Expo

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