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Learning more about the NGSS (Part 2)

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2013-09-13

In a previous post, I touched on the resources I’m using to familiarize myself with NGSS In addition to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) app, I’m finding quite a few additional online resources to assist in bettering my understanding of the NGSS.
The NGSS page on the NSTA website  has lists of resources and professional (PD) opportunities, including online short courses, books and publications, upcoming and archived web seminars, and journal articles.
Have a question? Pick your colleagues brains on NSTA’s members–only NGSS email list or the NGSS discussion forum. I posed a question to the list and within a few minutes had several helpful responses! The forum has 20+ topics so far, and it’s interesting to follow how the conversations evolve.
Also on the NSTA website is the NGSS and Supporting Materials page. This links to documents to guide your reading and understanding of the standards. The matrices are real gems: PDF Matrix of NGSS Organized by Topic, PDF Matrix of NGSS Organized by Disciplinary Core Ideas, PDFs of Individual Standards. These matrices, developed by NSTA, have a K-12 perspective. There is also a one-page matrix of the topics and core ideas by suggested grade level (my personal favorite—I can see how everything fits into the big picture).
Paul Andersen (of Bozeman Science) has created a video series on the NGSS. Check out his collection and learn about the concepts that were originally delineated within A Framework for K–12 Science Education. Andersen’s video series covers eight practices, seven crosscutting concepts, and 44 disciplinary core ideas. Paul presents and illustrates basic content and suggests a progression of teaching for students grades K-12. The series of 60 videos (most between 5 and 10 minutes) are available at the Bozeman Science YouTube channel or the website. (If you’re on the website, take a look at the videos on other science topics for use in the classroom. These well–designed videos could be used as a supplement or as direct instruction in a “flipped” model.)
And I’ve ordered my copy of Translating the NGSS for Classroom Instruction from NSTA Press (available later this Fall). I’m looking forward to seeing how the lessons and units can be aligned to the standards.

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