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Online video resources

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2009-11-27

Have you seen NASA eClips? This is a collection of video clips on a variety of topics (such as the earth, sun, universe, STEM, aeronautics, and living in space), organized by grade level (K-5, 6-8, 9-12). Some of the notes for the clips include links to other NASA resources on the topic. There is a discussion of how the clips fit into the 5E teaching model, and they can be viewed online or downloaded. They are about 5 minutes long, so you could also use these as discussion starters or warm-up activities. The “Teacher Toolbox” section has a glossary, data sets (as part of the Technology Tools section), and an index to find a particular segment quickly.
I was blown away by the WatchKnow collection of “videos for kids to learn from.” I know some teachers are reluctant to have students search through YouTube for videos, because many have irrelevant, trivial, or inappropriate content. But these appear to be gleaned from YouTube and other external video collections, and they are organized by subject area (such as science) and sub categories (such as life science, chemistry, etc.). The collection can also be filtered by age (from 3-18). Since today is the day after Thanksgiving, I really enjoyed Thanksgiving Dinner and Chemistry, a video of a presentation from a college class, but understandable by younger students. Many of Bill Nye’s videos are accessible through WatchKnow also. Although it’s geared for students, teachers can find videos quickly here to supplement a wide variety of topics. I’m going to be spending way too much time here!
There are no fees attached to either of these sources. Enjoy!

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