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Science for all

By Mary Bigelow

Posted on 2015-05-30

The most recent NSTA K-12 journals have suggestions, lesson ideas, and resources for helping all students engage with the disciplinary content, crosscutting concepts, and science and engineering practices that make up the NGSS.

Science & ChildrenStability and Change

Although this may sound like an oxymoron (“the more things change, the more they stay the same?”), this is actually one of the NGSS crosscutting concepts. It’s one that would be appropriate for many topics in the general sciences: Newton’s Laws, equilibrium, food webs, body systems, weather and climate, plate tectonics, other systems studies.

Here are some SciLinks with weblinks for content information and suggestions for additional activities and investigations related to this month’s featured articles: 

Science Scope — Gathering, Analyzing, and Interpreting Data           

The lessons described here (many of which illustrate the 5E model), illustrate the integration of NGSS disciplinary core ideas and crosscutting concepts with science and engineering concepts related to the collection, analysis, interpretation, and communication of data. The articles feature traditional methods as well as technology software and apps.

Here are some SciLinks with weblinks for content information and suggestions for additional activities and investigations related to this month’s featured articles:

The Science TeacherScience for All

As the editor notes, “More often than not, high-quality teaching strategies like those in this issue benefit students well beyond the targeted group.” There are many suggestions for including all students in learning science, including special needs students and English language learners.

Here are some SciLinks with weblinks for content information and suggestions for additional activities and investigations related to one of this month’s featured articles:

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