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Science talk in Philadelphia at the NSTA national conference

By Peggy Ashbrook

Posted on 2010-03-19

Science talk between students (not teacher-to-student)—is that possible?
We learned how to get started at Kathy Renfrew’s session, NSTA  Science Talk: A Tool for Making Meaning, on Thursday. Kathy was an engaging and generous presenter, sharing the floor with participants who had experiences to share. We practiced science talk in a circle (see photo), deepening our understanding of how to implement it in our classrooms. Resources include articles by Karen Worth, Jeff Winokur, Sally Crissman, Martha Heller-Winokur, and Martha Davis and a Science and Children (November 2009) article, Connecting Science and Literacy Through Talk.
Science teachers participate in a science talkVisit the NSTA Communities, click on Resources, then NSTA Science Talks (not the conference resource menu) in the drop down menu and download the material for the session.
With many early childhood appropriate sessions to choose from, I have a full schedule! It’s nice to have science simpatico family to come “home” to—a shout out to my cousin, environmental science teacher, Leigh Ashbrook.

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