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The Science Teacher: Call for Papers

By sstuckey

Posted on 2017-04-19

The Science Teacher (TST) seeks manuscripts of approximately 2,000 words that describe new and creative ideas for the secondary science classroom. Manuscripts should provide practical activities related to the themes listed below. TST also encourages manuscripts outside of the listed themes. For help, see our author guidelines and annotated sample manuscript.

Forensics: Solving Mysteries Through Science
Forensic science is both an important part of our criminal justice system and also an avenue for engaging students in scientific inquiry. From the stories of Sherlock Holmes to the popular television drama CSI, the analysis of forensic evidence has fascinated citizens for centuries. By its nature, forensics is an interdisciplinary subject, bringing in modern analytic techniques from chemistry, molecular biology, paleontology, physics, and Earth science. Do you use forensics activities in your classes? Have you found new strategies and engaging activities to teach this fascinating subject or enrich other subject areas? If so, TST wants to hear from you.

Using New Tools to Support Science Learning in a Connected World
As technology evolves, so do the skills needed for success in the modern world. New tools have radically changed the way we communicate, share information, and collect data. This issue will explore how these new tools can support student learning and create a “connected classroom.” Possible topics include ideas for using:
• social media
• online simulations and virtual field trips
• YouTube, online lectures, virtual learning communities, and flipped classrooms
• strategies to improve critical thinking and digital and media literacy
• probeware and wireless data collection in laboratory and field work
• cloud computing
• modeling
• big data
• mathematics and computational thinking tools
• 3D printers
• new presentation and communication tools
• live webcams
• digital graphics, multimedia, and visualization tools.
Please share your ideas for teaching with new tools.

Innovation is crucial to science and engineering fields and also important in science education. Have you developed an innovative activity, assessment, or teaching strategy? Have you found a creative way to integrate science or engineering innovations in your classes? Share your ideas about using science innovation and innovative teaching methods. Possible ideas might include:
• Creating a new twist on an established activity,
• Integrating 21st-century skills development,
• Using new technologies to support student learning, or
using established technologies in a novel way,
• Incorporating recent scientific research, discoveries, or innovations in your instruction,
• Developing unique student grouping or assessment

General Topics
The Science Teacher seeks general manuscripts across a variety of disciplines. Do you have an article in mind that does not fit with one of TST’s themes? Submit it for review! General articles not targeted to a requested theme are published in every issue. Possible topics include integrating technology, science on a shoestring, innovation, new twists on classic lessons, community collaborations and partnerships, assessment strategies, engineering and the maker movement, and connecting to the Next Generation Science Standards. Don’t limit yourself to these topics. Our readers want to hear about your classroom-tested activities and teaching strategies.

Science for All
TST seeks manuscripts for this annual issue devoted to the inclusion of all learners. The issue offers strategies to mitigate academic achievement gaps associated with ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, physical disabilities, limited English-­language proficiency, learning differences, and even gifted abilities. Please share your ideas for what works in the classroom.

Idea Banks
TST is always seeking Idea Banks—short articles of about 1,000 words. If you want to share an experience, activity, or classroom tip but do not think it will work as a feature-length article, consider submitting an Idea Bank.

Commentaries of approximately 750 words on any secondary education topic are accepted at any time. Do you have thoughts on science education that you would like to share with your peers? Write a Commentary and submit it to TST for review.

Author guidelines

Annotated sample manuscript

Author registration/submission of manuscripts

Get Involved With NSTA!

Join NSTA today and receive The Science Teacher,
the peer-reviewed journal just for high school teachers; to write for the journal, see our Author GuidelinesCall for Papers, and annotated sample manuscript; connect on the high school level science teaching list (members can sign up on the list server); or consider joining your peers at future NSTA conferences.

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