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Taking the train

By Lynn Petrinjak

Posted on 2010-03-17

It’s time to head for the train station and get on my way to the 2010 National Conference on Science Education in Philadelphia. I’ve created a schedule for myself using the online Personal Scheduler (with a couple promising sessions/workshops selected for most time slots—just in case) and printed a hard copy (also just in case). My rolling bag is packed (comfortable shoes, notebook, pens, camera, etc.) and it’s time to head to the train station. I hope I’m not forgetting anything—I forgot to pack socks when we were in Boston two years ago. How does a person forget socks?
In addition to checking out the exhibit hall and sessions and talking to as many science eduation pros as possible, I have a personal goal for myself—get a Phillly cheesesteak South Jersey style !

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